Abbacchio x reader part 4

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Abbacchio's PoV,
I woke up on the couch with y/n on my lap with his head on my shoulder, I kissed his cheek and then his neck, I saw his beautiful e/c (eye colour) eyes fluter open "morning beautiful" I smiled "morning" he smiled back, I started kissing him while smiling "it's good to see you two awake" Bucciarati said sitting next to us, we pulled away and I asked "are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine I'm just not in the best mood this morning" he said "do you want me to get you anything Bucciarati" y/n asked "a coffee please" he said and y/n got off of my lap and started making some for him and Bucciarati "do you want one Abbacchio?" he asked "yes please baby boy" I said. After a few minutes he came back with them "what time do you start work babe?" I asked "1 pm, I'm working behind the bar today" he said not impressed "if you want we can come to the bar" Bucciarati suggested "can you?" He asked "yeah of course y/n" he said "thank you so much" he said and hugged Bucciarati and Bucciarati hugged back.
{time skip to the bar}
We entered the bar and we sat down and the 'uniform' they gave to wear is so bad but I know my baby can pull it off, this is the uniform

{time skip to the bar} We entered the bar and we sat down and the 'uniform' they gave to wear is so bad but I know my baby can pull it off, this is the uniform

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And his hair was down

My baby walked up to our table "hey guys" he said "so you work here" Bucciarati said "yeah I mean it wasn't my first choice of career but it's what I've got" he said and added "you know you don't have to sit here you can sit up at the bar" "do you...

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My baby walked up to our table "hey guys" he said "so you work here" Bucciarati said "yeah I mean it wasn't my first choice of career but it's what I've got" he said and added "you know you don't have to sit here you can sit up at the bar" "do you want to do that?" Bucciarati asked "oh yeah" I said biting my lip and we sat up at the bar "I've told my manager about you guys so you guys can touch me it's just when others touch me that's when he gets a bit" he said and we nodded "babe what's sex on the pole?" I asked "it's like sex in the city just stronger" he said "fun, can I have one?" I asked "of course you can" he replied and got me one I took a sip and said "wow that's strong" and I handed it to Bucciarati he took a sip and looked the same way I did "heh, I told you it was strong" my sexy man said "Oi pretty boy get me a sex on the pole" a very drunk man said "I think you've had enough" he said "nah come here" he said and my man walked over to him and grabbed his collar "get me it" "you are prohibited to touch the workers sir" "well then why is he aloud to" the guy said pointing at me "because my manager knows about them and he's my boyfriend" the guy let go of him and whacked his ass by standing over the bar and then his manager came out and kicked the guy out "are you alright?" he asked "yeah I'm fine" he said "you better get home alright" his manager told him and he went to get changed. After about 4 minutes we left "are you alright baby?" I asked and he nodded and as soon as we entered the house we all went to bed with my sexy ass man in my arms.

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