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"Simmer down an' pucker up, I'm sorry to interrupt

It's just I'm constantly on the cusp of tryin' to kiss you

I don't know if you feel the same as I do"




I was going to murder Ellie.

"How about you give silvia here a dance?" My ass.

How is that even an option for making it up to me.

I'm staring wide eyed at Ellie, just hoping she can feel the hostility of my stare. I'm still staring when Harry speaks up.

"I mean is that alright with you silvia?" he asks, averting my attention from my stare off with El.

I freeze up, looking into Harry's eyes. I honestly don't know how to react.

On one hand, this is exactly what I should do to let loose.

On the other hand, this is my nightmare personified.

But the first step to letting loose includes making haste decisions, not thinking too much. Letting your body take the lead. Which is why I answer, taking a deep breath.

"Sure, why not?"

Obviously my answer comes as a surprise to Ellie, her eyebrows raise up so high, If she were wearing pearls she'd be clutching them right now.

Harry offers his hand giving me a look that says "well come on". While, Ellie's eyebrows are still raised in a shocked expression. Her expression starts to dissipate into a blinding smile.

Harry shakes his outstretched palm. With a sly smile he says "well?"

I look back at Harry and his hand, and make the decision.

I grab his hand.

I already regret this decision.

Harry and I are currently on the dancefloor, and as if he could sense my discomfort he situated us a bit further from the crowd. I have come to realize that Harry is an... Electic dancer. His moves are very clumsy and disheveled, but somehow I can't take my eyes off of him.

I, on the other hand, have been stiff as a rock.

I can't believe I even took this decision.  If someone had told me that I would be dancing with a stranger tonight I'd laugh in their face.

But maybe this is good.

I mean he is extremely good looking.

"Loosen up!" Harry shouts over the music revertibrating from the huge speakers around us. His deep velvety voice rings through my ears.

"I'm trying here!" I shout, starting to move along to the music. I look to my side where Ellie is sitting by the bar, making sure she's alright. Then, look back at Harry, I find him with a mischievous smirk.

Oh no, that face doesn't look promising.

"Well, try harder!" he shouts, grabbing my arm, spinning me around. The swift movement elicits a gasp out of me. Harry doesn't budge though. He starts dancing and prancing around, my hand in his, dragging me along with him. He wears a cheshire smile all throughout this insane dance session we have going on.

His energy is contagious though, I find myself dancing along with him.

Maybe this is what it feels like to be free. He spins me around like an idiot again, I start laughing and copying his flailing dance moves.

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