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this isn't an update but a post on a very important topic.


About the George Floyd murder. 

I am so very sorry to any and all of my readers who suffer these injustices everyday. I am so sorry to everyone who is afraid to leave their homes, who is afraid to drive, who is afraid to go on walks, in fear that they will be murdered. 

I wil never know what it's like for black people, however I deeply understand your experience. 

It may not seem like things will ever look up but I will stand with each and every one of you until there is justice. 

Now, for the people that don't understand why this whole outrage is happening. People are afraid to do mundane everyday tasks because they might be murdered for it. Just because something doesn't concern you does not mean it does not happen, or it is not important. It is important that you are aware of all that is happening around you. It is important that you participate in all efforts to banish this situation. 

NO ONE should ever feel afraid to leave their home. 

NO ONE should ever feel afraid to be themselves. 

AND if any of you disagree, or think that it is in any way okay to abuse someone because of their skin color, religious beliefs, ethnicity, or sexuality unfollow me right now and stop reading my book. 

People don't understand the extent of their privilege, your everyday tasks are luxuries to some people. 

Even if this doesn't concern you, or your country, use your voice. 

Help someone. 

Use your voice.

For George Floyd 

For Ahmaud Arbery

For Breonna Taylor

For every minority that has ever been targeted. 

For every person who's story's been covered up. 

For every person who's voice remains unheard.

I stand with you. 

My messages are ALWAYS open for anyone who ever needs to talk. 



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