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Yoongi's POV
Mina wanted to go sit on the beach so I pick her up and walk out there. I set her down.
"Can you get us some beer please?" She asks smiling.
"Ok I'll be right back don't go anywhere" I say.
"I can't" she replies. I chuckle.
"Right" I say. She smacks my leg as I walk back inside to get beer. When I come back out I see some guy talking to her. I go sit beside her.
"Lo siento(I'm sorry)" he says when he sees me.
"Está bien, adiós(it's okay, bye)" i say waving at him.
"Adiós(bye)" he says walking away. Mina hugs me.
"My hero" she says.
"For what I just sat down" I chuckle.
"No you brought me beer" she says grabbing one. I laugh.
"Shit" she says.
"What?" I ask.
"My knife is in my room, oh well I can use this" she says picking up a rock. She opens her beer easily. She hands me the rock. I open mine.
"Cheers" she holds up her bottle.
"Cheers" I clink mine with hers. We take a sip.
"Were we ever friends?" I ask her.
"I don't think so, we are still not friends" she says taking another sip.
"Then what are we?" I ask. She looks at me and smiles.
"Whatever you want" she replies. I smile back. I touch her cheek and pull her closer till our lips touch.
"How does girlfriend sound?" I ask when we pull away.
"Mm sounds good" she says then leans in for another kiss. For the rest of the afternoon we just sat out there. It started getting dark after a few hours. We watched the sun set slowly. After some time Mina fell asleep while leaning on me. I smile at her. Then I pick her up and bring her inside. I carry her up to her room. I layed her down on her bed. I was about to leave when she grabs my hand.
"Don't go" she mumbles with her eyes still closed. I smile at her. Then I lay down beside her and she snuggles up next to me. Then I fall asleep. The next day I wake up and Mina wasn't beside me. Then I hear the toilet flush and see Mina walking back in here. She's still wearing my t-shirt. I don't mind it looks great on her.
"Morning Yoon" she says
"Morning babe" I reply. She sits down beside me. I lay my head in her lap. She giggles then starts playing with my hair.
"What do you want for breakfast?" She asks.
"Hmm I want you" I smirk. She laughs.
"Normally that might be on the menu" she says.
"Why not now?" I say.
"Try again next week" she tells me. Realization hits me.
"Yeah" she says.
"I need to go to the store today" she tells me.
"I'll go with" I say.
"You sure? Cuz I need to get some things" she says.
"Yeah I'll just be in a different part of the store, I need to get some stuff anyway" I tell her.
"Ok I'm gonna get dressed" she says lifting my head. I wrap my arms around her waist.
"Yoongi" she giggles.
"What?" I ask.
"I gotta get dressed"
"Cuz we gotta go to the store"
"The store will be there later too" I tell her.
"What do you want me to do?" She asks.
"I want cuddles" I say smiling at her. She giggles then sits down again. I hug her and lay my head on her chest. She plays with my hair again. We just stay like that till we get hungry. Then we get dressed and go downstairs. After we eat we walk to the store.
"I'm gonna go get my stuff" she says.
"And I'll go get my stuff" I smile at her. Then we go our separate ways in the store. After I got all my stuff I go to find Mina. I see her in the isle with the woman products so I don't go there. I just stand in the next isle which had shampoo and shit like that. Mina comes around the corner and sees me.
"Hey stranger" she says to me. I smile.
"You got everything you need?" I ask.
"Almost, I was just in the isle over" she says.
"I know" I tell her.
"What are you spying on me" she jokes.
"No I got all my things and went to find you" I tell her.
"Then why didn't you go into the isle?" She asks.
"You really think I would ever go in that isle" I tell her. She laughs.
"Come on I got some more stuff to get" she says dragging me around the store. When we got all our things we walk home. After we get home we put away all our things.
"So what do you wanna do now?" I ask her.
"I don't kn-" she starts then holds her stomach.
"Babe you ok?" I ask going to her.
"Yeah I'm fi-" she groans. I go to the cabinet and grab a bag I put in there full of stuff. Then I pick her up and walk to the living room.
"What's that?" She asks when I put her on the couch.
"This is what I got today" I tell her.
"What's in the bag?" She asks then groans in pain again. I sit beside her.
"This bag holds all the things a man will need while their woman do that monthly thing" I tell her. She laughs.
"You can't say it can you?" She asks laughing.
"No I can not" i tell her. Then I reach in the bag and give her a chocolate bar. She takes it and smiles at me.
"How did you know to get all that?" She ask me.
"I've had other girlfriends before" I tell her.
"Oh makes sense" she says then eats the chocolate. She hugs me.
"Thank you Yoon" she says. I hug her back.
"Anytime babe" I say. Then we spend the rest of the day cuddling and watching tv.

Heyyo I'm back again. Sorry if these chapters are a little boring. Keep reading please. Byee❣️💜

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