Wake up

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Yoongi's POV
"WAKE UP BITCHES!" I hear somebody yell.
"Lily if you don't GET THE FUCK OUT I WILL DESTROY YOUR FUCKING CAR!" Mina tells her.
"You wouldn't" lily says.
"Oh I would" Mina says reaching under the bed and getting the sledge hammer she hid under there. Lily gasps.
"Are you gonna get out or are you gonna make me get up and make your car look like a flattened pop can?" Mina asks.
"You know I'm just gonna wait in the living room for you guys" lily says backing out of the room.
"Mhm" Mina glares at her. Then Mina lays back down.
"That bitch can be so annoying sometimes especially in the morning" she says.
"So are you bitch" lily says from the living room.
"Fine" lily says annoyed. I check my phone.
"It's 6 in the fucking morning what the fuck is she here for?" I ask.
"That's what you're wondering?" Mina asks me.
"I'm wondering how the fuck she got in the house" Mina says.
"Holy shit I didn't even think about that" I say.
"Well it's too early to be thinking, fuck it I can't sleep anymore I'm getting up" Mina says getting out of bed. I groan.
"Fuck" I say then get up. We get dressed then go to the kitchen to get something to eat. Then we go to the living room where jimin is almost asleep and lily is wide awake.
"Why the hell are you here at 6 in the morning?" I ask.
"Cuz I'm gonna steal Mina for the day so we can get ready for the party tonight and jimin is gonna stay here with you" lily says.
"Lil how many times have I told you that you don't have to get up at 6am to get ready for a party that's at 8pm?" Mina asks her.
"63" lily answers looking down.
"Exactly and how the fuck did you get in here?" Mina asks.
"I picked the lock" lily says solemnly.
"Give me your lock pick" Mina says holding out her hand. Lily gives her one.
"And the other one" Mina says. Lily gives her another one.
"Come on give me all of them" Mina tells her. Lily takes her wallet and phone and keys out of her purse then hands the purse to Mina.
"And the ones you hide in your bra" Mina says. Lily rolls her eyes.
"Why the hell do you have so many?" I ask her shocked.
"Incase some don't work or they break or I lose them or if I need different sizes" she says pulling two out of her bra.
"Lily if you don't give me all of them bad things will happen" Mina says sternly.
"I did give you all of them" lily replies.
"Then why are there some in your hair disguised at bobby pins, I know everywhere you have them" Mina tells her.
"Come on" lily says annoyed. Then she gives them to Mina.
"Thank you" Mina says taking them all.
"Now stand up" she tells lily. Lily rolls her eyes and stands up. Mina reaches behind Lily's back and pulls another one out from under Lily's shirt. I am amazed at how she can hide so many with her.
"And the one on your ring that I made you" Mina says holding out her hand.
"Oh come on really" lily says.
"Mhm" Mina nods. lily gives her the ring.
"Is that all of them?" Mina asks her. Lily reaches for her shoes and takes out like five more.
"Holy shit" I say amazed and shocked.
"I can hide more weapons on me than that" Mina tells me. I look at her with wide eyes.
"What I've got like 15 on me right now" she says.
"Ok Mina can we go now?" Lily asks impatiently.
"Fine just let me go get the dress I picked out" Mina rolls her eyes.
"You have a dress picked out already" I ask her.
"Yes because if I don't then when I have to spend hours helping lily get ready then I only have like 10 minutes for myself to get ready" she explains. Then she picks up a pillow from the couch and hits jimin with it. He jolts awake.
"What happened?" He asks.
"You let lily come here at 6 in the fucking morning" she says.
"She threatened me" jimin says.
"With what?" Mina asks. Jimin looks at lily then back at Mina.
"Do you really wanna know?" He asks her. Mina's expression changes immediately.
"Oh hell no" she holds up her hands and turns around walking away.
"Bitch where you going?" Lily asks standing up.
"To get water or some other clear liquid that you would think is water" she says walking to the kitchen.
"No vodka" i tell her.
"Damnit" she says and walks back to us. She sits down beside me.
"Mina let's go" lily says.
"Ugh whyyy?" She whines.
"Pleaseeee" lily says.
"Fineeee" Mina gets up and goes to her room to get her dress. She comes back out with a bag.
"What's that?" Lily asks.
"My dress is in here" Mina says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Cuz I don't want it to get dirty so I can't let it see you" she smiles. We all laugh.
"Come onnnnn" lily says dragging Mina out.
"Are you driving?" Mina asks her.
"Yes" lily says.
"On second thought I think I'm gonna stay here" Mina says turning around.
"Bitch" lily says.
"I'm kidding let's go" Mina laughs.
"You're such a bitch" lily glares at her.
"I know" she winks at lily. They laugh then Mina closes the door behind them. I turn to jimin to see him struggle to stay awake. I laugh.
"I'm going back to sleep dude" I tell him getting up.
"Is it ok if I sleep on the couch?" He asks me.
"Go ahead" I tell him and go to my room. I lay down and fall asleep.

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