🍄chap 1🍄

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friendship is blessing of life.. when you have good friends they are family to you..they read your brain.kick your ass quickly even when you are not aware of your own thoughts.

same was friendship of Tharn william and Type alexandar..
they were friends from the day they were in wombs of their
mothers..because their parents were friends..after birth to university graduation and then joint ventures in business they are together..

now they have been settle and on peak of their careers , their parents decide to marry them. and set them for different blind dates..

these blind dates is the most difficult deal as compare to business deal..

Tharn was in Typeroom..asking him to accompany him for new date.. but type was not agreed.

*remember , the last date with daughter of famous wire group, she gave us idea to get marry...sorry not going because i am not in mood to be
insulted.* type refused

*seriously, you are not going ..okay then get ready for consequences,i ll tell riyna that you are single so she talk her parents to send
proposal to your house..if she is brown so what dark chocolate is
always delicious..* Tharn  warned.

Type throw pen towards tharn  but it hit to his secretary who came in room for signature on documents..

tharn quickly apologize her and gave her icepack..and asked her*suzy, are
you in relationship...*
*yes sir, i have been living with ben he is your finance
officer..next month we are going to marry* she said shyly.

both said quickly.
type signed papers and gave back to suzy ..she left..

*why you ask her* type asked
*ask her so she may accompany to blind date as my fake girlfriend  * Tharn said while licking his lips.

*so you are not going your firm decision , *tharn inquired last time.
"blackmailer , i m going..acts like a whore always.. * type said angrily.

they reached famous resturants "candles* where tables at name of Tharn Willam  was booked. tharn  moved to reserved table and type sat on other table..both
were waiting anxiously for blind date..

after 15 minutes , a girl wearing with black gown with  boy entered and headed to tharn william ..
*Tharn william.. heir of THYPE Group ...*girl inquired

*Tharn  stood up and asked girl to sit..girl sit with boy next to her*,
*i am quinna dominic from inkyn group.  daughter of mr zee dominic..
he is my boyfriend tin pirath.. just here  to tell you that you refuse your parents because in this way i can get marry to person of my choice.. i ll pay
you for this..*the girl said

*seriously you ll pay what i ask.*Tharn try to confirm while letting his inner devil laugh
*yes* girl confirm

*okay, want to fuck you for 24 hours after that i ll refuse my parents so you ll get marry to person of your choice* tharn said innocently.

*tharn, mr..mind your language..* boy said.
*talking to girl..not you..i just tell price..chill.*tharn said.

*if you have courage to love then you should have courage to tell your parents otherwise you are just satisfying your lust..love is no where.. right* tharn  said..grabbed his mobiles and keys..type  followed him.

girl bumped table and started to quarrell with boy..*if you do some good job ..then it
was easy for us to get marry. he is right we are fucking each other ..not loving ..go to hell..*girl said and left the resturant.

*oops..my bank account..*.*baby listen you listen me you know i love
you*boy  ran after girl..

tharn and type was sitting in car..seeing the girl following by boy..both laughed a lot..

*now what you ll tell to mommy she ll call definatly * type said.

*definitly what has happened that i ll tell*tharn smirked.
0r not going to tell her that i fuck her on hotel table with her face towards the glass window ..her holes were big enough for me to lay in
them easily and her breast not smooth for pillows*tharn added

*you are pervert.you observe her so deep.lets go to eat i am
hungry..then at book fair at eiffel hotel , i have buy some books* type said.

*books..what subjects* tharn inquired
*how to get rid of glued friend..so become easy get a sexy lifepartner* type replied
*seriously, i love to buy the whole section of this book*tharn smirked..

in this light, gossip they lunch at kfc and then moved to book fair at eiffel hotel to buy some books..after they went to house..they both had been living together but in two rooms..

tharn and type migrated to canada for higher studies from thailand then started to look after their fathers business in canada..both parents
bought a house together for them so they live together in new place..now it has been eight years they had been in canada..

*very hungry* tharn said
*what have you cook today*asked their house keeper
*sir, chicken fried rice with vegetable curry and chilli yougurt* housekeeper said
*set table coming back * tharn said.

moved to his room freshen up and knocked at type for dinner..

tharn sat on table until type came and both started to eat.
meanwhile the mobile buzzed and tharn showed screen to type . type showed white teeth. tharn kicked him and attend call.

* hello mommy, how are you* tharn asked.
*dont tell me you ask a girl for sex just on first meeting.you try to touch her without her permission..you forget all your manners.. you bastard.you pervert..dirt of your dad..sin of me..idiot *mommy said and cut call.

*what i did that she said all this* tharn was surprised.
*mommy has not said this for first time..so no effect on your
healt.dig in.sleep. tomorrow important meetings are in
schedule.*type said
tharn nodded..and start to eat.after dinner tharn bought two mugs of milk

..gave one to type and said goodbye to him..went to his room.drink milk while seeing news and slept ..for tomorrows date ..😂😂😂😂😂😂


to be continued
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🌷I U MEANT 4EVER (complete) 🌷(tharntype🎀mewgulf)🌷by🌷 k.bunny🌷Where stories live. Discover now