Night Falls...

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Milly: Oh! Leave me alone you stupid bugs!


Milly was complaining about the mosquitoes again as Josh pulled out another bug spray for her use aganist them. She quickly took ig and sprayed the bugs and watches the insects fall to the ground.

Milly: Thank you, Josh.

Josh: No problem babe. Those mosquitoes not gonna be the only one biting you~!

Milly: Oh stop you~!

As they were about to deeper, Susie called out to them interrupting their casual flirting.

Susie: Milly! Josh! Come on and eat smores with us!

Milly: Do we really have to eat roasted marshmallows off a stick! We don't know where that's been!

Susie: Oh, quit your whining and come eat some s'mores.

Milly pouted again before sitting down next to Grace.

It was nighttime and the moon was full.

It's been a hour since they heard the weird siren and so far, there's been no signs of either a tornado or hurricanes taking place much to group's relief.

Susie had roasted the marshmallows over the bonfire before pulling out some gram crackers and Hersey's chocolate bars.

Susie: Whose up for some s'mores?

Grace: Yum~!

Archie: Mm-Hmm! S'mores are delicious~~~!

Grace kindly took one and took a bite. She felt the sweet relief of gooey marshmallow enter her mouth as she begin to chew. After a few moments of chewing she swallowed the chunk she ate.

Grace: You were right Archie. They are delicious~!

Archie: You mean you never had s'mores before?

Grace: I guess...I suppose the reason why is because this is my first time camping...

Archie: Me and my Dad go camping all the time. Last year, we went fishing up the mountains not too far from here.

Grace: Cool~!

Chris: Hey! Let me try!

Chris did the same and grab some s'mores as well. Josh followed close behind and soon enough...Milly did too despite a few protests.

Susie: Do you always gotta complain about everything?

Milly: Hey. I was being cautious here!

Grace: Please don't fight.

Susie: We're not fighting Grace. This is just how me and Milly communicate.

Grace: (But you're communication seems like a lot of fighting...)

Josh: Hey Chris. Let's go get some more firewood. Archie, look after the girls while we're gone.

Archie: Aye Aye Captain.

Archie saluted him as Josh rolled his eyes whole waiting for Chris' answer.

Chris: Alright.

Chris reluctantly follows Josh into the surrounding wilderness as more mosquitoes descend upon Milly.

Milly: Wahh?! Why Only Me?!!

Susie, Archie, and Grace just shrugged and laughed a little as Milly was soon running and fighting for her life aganist a pack of mosquitoes with only a can of bug spray.


As the two young men were getting some more branches for the bonfire. Josh looks at Chris for a moment before getting his attention.

Josh: Hey dude...

Chris: Yeah...What is it?

Josh: What's the deal with you and Grace? You both seem to have some history together...

Chris: O-Oh...Well...

Chris was a little hesitated about bringing up the past between him and Grace.

Josh: Hey...? Is she your girlfriend or something....

Chris: Ex-girlfriend...

Josh: Oh...

Chris: We had a fallout and well...things are just awkward between us.

Josh: That bad huh...?

Chris: No...Not really...I don't want to point any fingers and say whose the blame. Grace needs her space and I need mine. That's all I need to say.

Josh: Hmm...

Chris: Grace's already has a lot on her plate and I don't want to be the one to put more on it.

Josh: So you're just going to avoid her...?


Josh: That's not gonna work out, man. Women are tricky and that Grace girl seems super smart. You need to step up your game and take things slow. You get my drift?

Chris: Umm...No...

Josh facepalms and sighs.

Josh: What I'm saying is. Why should things be awkward. Just start out fresh by being friends again.

Chris: But I... don't just want that...

Josh: Why....You scared of being friendzoned?

Chris: N-No....

Josh: Don't be scared man. Besides, if things don't work out between you and Grace. There's plenty of other girls out there.

Chris: I know that but-!

Josh noticed that Chris went silent of a sudden.

Josh: What?

Chris: Do you hear that?

Josh: Hear what?

Josh tries to hear any sounds around in the woods. He couldn't hear anything.

Josh: I don't hear anything...

Chris: Then that's bad....

Josh: How?

The narrowed woods were quiet...too quiet. The owls were no longer hooting and the crickets had stopped chirping...

Chris: If the forest had gone quiet...that's a sign of a predator being near...

Josh: Dude...You're freaking me out...Are you trying to scare me...?

Chris shook his head and looked at Josh, a sign of dread and worry in his eyes.

Chris: Let's go back to the girls. We got enough firewood.

Josh: Err...Alright...

The boys quickly took off back to the campsite....

Unaware that in the shadows of the trees, not too far away...something 40 feet tall followed them slowly...

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