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She needed to leave...

She could no longer stay in this tower...

She had like ten minutes left before help arrives...

Grace wiped the tears from her eyes...

She fearfully held the gun in her hand as she heard the loud stomping noises coming towards the tower.


Grace: (I must survive...I must...!)

She managed to survive this long...she can't die here...

Grace: (I'm not gonna die tonight!)

Grace walked out of the radio station and looked around the woods...

Grace: (No sign of Siren Head...)

Almost like it never came to the Radio Tower in the first place...

But Grace knew one thing...

That thing could be hiding she shouldn't let her guard down...

One slip up and it could be all over for her...

Sleigh and fanned out into the woods scouting for Siren Heads or other sorts of dangers. Grace walked up down the stairs and kept looking around.

She even checked behind her to make sure that thing isn't following her...

Surprisedly, she didn't hear the large footsteps anymore....

Almost like...the sounds they made just vanished into thin air.

Grace: (Where is he already...?)

Grace did feel fear for the creature.

She felt like she was in a indie horror game. Think about it, a walk down a forest path, a strange shape moving over the trees, an eerie noise, and finally an encounter with a horrifying, skyscraperlike beast. For anyone playing a game such as that with experience would probably take at least five to ten minutes to complete...

If they know what they're doing that is....

Grace: (It does feel like a game...a sick twisted game played for laughs...)

Then Grace had noticed something else....

She didn't hear the sirens anymore either...

The forest has gone quiet again...

A eerie feeling of being watched desolated into her once again...

Grace: (I need to leave...I can't wait for anyone else anymore...I'm sorry Chris...)

If he was still alive, she hope when help arrives they would try and look for him...

But right now, getting the hell out of here was more important...

Grace: (But still...where is that creature...I thought it would've ambushed me already...)

She was so confused....

Just then, she was broken out of her thoughts when she heard a sound...


Grace: No that...?

It sounded like police sirens!

One of the common sounds you hear on the streets are usually loud, high noise that comes from police cars, fire trucks, or ambulances.

They sounds like "Waaaaaahhhhhhh." People living in New York City often call city officials to complain thenoise wakes them up and makes dogs cry out loudly.

Grace felt hope again...

Was this her chance...

Her chance to escape...?!

Has help finally arrived?!!

She begin to approach the sounds but stopped in her tracks...

Grace: (But what if it's a trap...made by Siren Head...?)

She needed to be sure....

But then again...what if it was help...

Grace: (What should I do...?)

-Live Or Die?-

A. Approach The Sounds?

B. Ignore Them?

A/N: Grace's choice for survival is now in your hands...

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