You're Alive?!

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Grace quickly ran down the tower and hold up her flashlights at the trees once again.

There, from the trees coming her way, Siren Head had made it's appearance once again making the same siren sounds as usual.



Grace watches with fear and terror as the monster starts to speed walk towards her. Adrenaline filled her veins once again as she panicked the gun up towards Siren Head...

Grace: You won't kill me!




Grace had shot it again.

The monster begin to writhe in pain before trying to come towards her again. Grace pulled the trigger and fired once more.



Grace: Damnit! Just die!


Like what happend earlier, the monster then started to back away retreating back into the trees and away from Grace.

Grace: (I'm keeping my eye on you from now on...)

The monster was gone for now... though Grace knows it's not going to give up that easily.

Grace: I better get to the storage unit...

Grace couldn't help but feel a bit irritated...

Someone once said that humans could handle anything. But could they handle things that was parallel to the supernatural that was ludicrously mind-blowing...?


Siren Head isn't a ghost...

More like a creature...

A creature that was made...

Grace: But made from what...? Who started this whole thing?

After all, anything that is known as a monster was made from something...or someone...

Grace: Maybe I'll find the answers once I get out of here...

Grace remembers that the storage room was nearby the bridge...

Once she made it to the bridge. She suddenly caught an eerily feeling again.

Something wasn't right about that bridge...

Grace shined her flashlight at the bridge, only to gasped once again to come face to face with a bloody scene.


It was everywhere coating the bridge...and the one unfortunate victim was clad in a pink sweater that was covered in her own blood with only in rivulets of water that rapidly made a puddle around  her mangled bare feet.

Grace nearly shrieked and crouched, trying to compose herself.

She couldn't believe this...

She didn't want to believe this...

But the evidence was right there....

Grace: Milly....

She found her...

Or at least what's left of her...

Judging from her death, it looked like she was violently ripped apart...

Grace: Milly...No...No...

Grace felt the sudden to cry and scream in anger...

Two of friends...were dead...

And the others were still missing...

She heard Susie's screams a while back but is unable to locate her current whereabouts.

Grace: Oh God...I can't stay here...

Grace narrowly avoided the gore of her dead friend, she just managed to jump past one of Milly's battered and bleeding decapitated arm before she walked away further into the woods...

Grace: Alright...Now let's get to that storage room-?!


Grace:......Some people just never learn...

Grace decided to run away from the monster that was close to the bridge...

She didn't dare look back knowing it will follow her.

Grace justs hope she does survive this nightmare...

She'd already imagining herself
 spending many sleepless nights replaying the nightmare of the Siren Head encounter, second-guessing each of it's moves on this dark night, wondering what she could have done differently to spare her friends from their their tragic and meaningless deaths...

The girl ran and ran further into the woods until she got a good view of the storage unit for the radio tower...

She opened the door and slammed it shut behind her.

Grace: (I made it...Now...I gotta find that find that circuit breaker...)

???: Whose there?! Don't come any closer!

Grace: Huh?!

Grace looked up to see who was with her in the storage unit.

Grace's mouth fell open. She recognized the person. He had agonized every casualty of the person's appearance to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Luckily she wasn't...

She heart pound with anticipation and relief.

She knew their names and their face.

Grace: Chris?

Chris: G-Grace...?

Grace went over to hug him, feelings of happiness surged through her.

Grace: Y-You're still alive! Thank God!

Chris: Yeah! You too! I'm so happy to see that one of us is still alive! I thought I was the only one...

Grace: W-What happened when I passed out...?

Chris: There's...a lot to talk about...but first...But first...

Chris looked outside the window of the storage unit.

Chris: Keep your eyes peeled an stay quiet...

"That thing could be anywhere..."

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