Call For Help!!!

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Grace watched with terror as blood rain down onto trees...

Grace felt her knees fallen to the ground...

Grace: (No...No...This can't be happening...why...why is this happening to us God...?)

What did we deserve this...?



Grace found herself running back to the Radio Tower in terror.

Her mind was scarred of what she just witnessed a couple of seconds ago...

Grace: (Archie...I'm so sorry...)

Archie's Death...

Was it her fault...?

Because she was so insisted in looking for Susie...though it was later confirmed the latter was dead...

Grace: (Josh...Milly...Susie...Archie...)

She and Chris were the only ones left...

Speaking of said boy, where is he...?!

A sinking feeling poured inside her made her think Siren Head killed Chris...or he could be hiding somewhere...

She don't know...

Last time she saw him, she left him with Archie...

Did...Chris followed her straight into the woods...or did he stayed with Archie until they were force to separate when Siren Head attacked...

She don't even know...

What's more important is getting back to the Radio Tower and calling to help.

She had no more time to waste...

With no hesitation this time, she climbed the stairs of the radio tower. Within a few minutes, like last time she managed to reach for the top.

Grace: (Alright I'm I should really get some help out here...)

Grace opened up the door to the small room where to make the broadcast in the radio tower. She hoped to at least get the police or someone who knows what they're doing...

Grace then turn on the lights and made her way towards the radio.

Grace begin to turn it on and notice it was broadcasting.

"Hello? Hello! Is someone at the radio tower in station 5? Please respond...!?"

Grace: (Oh Thank God...! It's working!)

Grace responded to the voice on the radio.

Grace: Hello! Hello! This is station 5, Central Park, Radio Tower...Oh God! Help us! Please help us!

"What seems to be the problem ma'am?"

Grace wanted to tell them about Siren Head but she wasn't so sure if they would believe her...

Grace: It's terrible! You need to get the Police who are still on patrol at every station to get out here at Central Park immediately!

Her voice was panicked and desperate. Aside from the residents in small town she come from, most of people who been on the internet did knew about Siren Head.

Grace: There's something in these's killed most of my friends...please get out here-?!


She was cut off as she heard the siren sounds...

Siren Head must be looking for her...

Grace: OMG! Bring the police! The Navy! Somebody! PLEASE!!!


Grace felt a sign of relief washed over her as the radio turned off...all she needed was hide and wait twenty minutes until help arrives...

But that didn't mean she was in the clear yet....

That monster is still looking for her...

Grace: Chris....

Grace pulled out her phone to try and call him...

"The number you have dial is not in service..."

She wanted to scream in frustration...

Grace: (It's just isn't fair....why...we all just wanted to spend a little quality time together...why did a horror story popular on Reddit have to come to life?!)

Grace punched the desk nearby causing some papers to fall to the ground...

Grace: Oops...

She didn't mean to do that...

However, the moment she picked up the papers, her eyes went bug-eyed...

"Corpse Reanimation..."

Grace: What the...?

What the fuck was she reading...? This paperwork looked exactly like the blueprints she found back at the shack...

The blueprints that had a graphic drawing of the creature...

Grace: This is the Park Rangers did knew what was going on...

Grace made a small frown before she being reading...

Here goes...

Time to find out the truth behind Siren Head's origins....

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