I stayed

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For the sake of history, I should have ran. But I didn't. Knowing I'd drown in you, I should have ran. But I didn't. Knowing you'd see right through me, I should've ran. But I didn't. I just froze and I stayed.

Same things you told me, you told her. And I'm supposed to feel special? Same lies you told me, you told her. Same truth you told me, you told her too... I guess... What makes you think I can trust your face?

Even then: I stayed because... Just because...

That might seem naive of me. Maybe. Just a little. I've done nothing but protecting my soul. So I decided to risk it... Not entirely though... So yeah I stayed...

I stayed not because I indeed felt special. No... but because despite being frightened by you, I feel safe around you. I risk myself by the second with you but I feel safe. Cause I know you. You know me. I stayed because I can be me without feeling judged. I stayed because even when I'm hiding you find me in my hidding place.

You see details nobody else sees. You pay attention. I stayed because, history in rear mirror, you came back and it was like nothing had changed... so I stayed, just because...

Jan 9, 2020 

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