I'm down.

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By this time it's already been a couple of months. I knew this wasn't what I really wanted but this was business and i'm using it to my satisfaction. He seemed to not mind spending most of his days with me but I was persistent on making sure this was strictly business. You can't blame me for breaking often though. One time he dropped me off at the BART station and stopped me before leaving to give me a kiss. I freaked out like a little bitch in the train full of excitement.
So one day I got on the phone with my parents, they really seemed to miss me. They would ask me when I would come and visit. I really thought this one through guys. I asked my parents if I could bring NOT MY COWORKER but MY COWORKERS OLDER BROTHER to Sacramento with me because he really wanted to see Sacramento. Tell me now, what is there in Sacramento? Well this "COWORKERS OLDER BROTHER" was very interesting in seeing it. My parents were ok with it and I automatically got on the phone with Ron. "Would you be interested in going on a feeeeild trip?" I ask. He responded with "Where?". "To Sacramento to visit my family, don't worry though.. You're my coworkers older brother to them ok?" He agrees to come on this trip and I right away book our bus tickets.
We're on the bus and I normally hate bus rides but when someone is leaning on you and just completely cuddling you the whole way, you start to like bus rides. STRICTLY BUSINESS! We get there and i'm so excited but then also nervous that we might really break character because I'm not out. My mom welcomes us in and gives us both hugs and offers food. I go and say hi to my brother and sister. Ron didn't really know this life of mine of course, all he knew was that we pretty much had the same dick size before this. He says "Wow you have a really nice family!". I thanked him and next thing we're all hanging out watching movies and just having a good time, he tried sitting close to me though and I was like NOPE, I actually gave him a death stare. He then scooted off. Later that night we went out for a walk. So normally in San Francisco, walks in the street are completely different. You see your local bars open, maybe a 24 hr taqueria. In Sacramento the walks around are more peaceful. The streets had a few street lights that illuminated some warm yellow light but it wasn't so much to really pull your attention away from the of the nice late night breeze and the smell of grass. We made it to my old elementary school and we sat on the swings of the yard. It was really calming. We talked about everything. I told him about how my brother ended up with cerebral palsy and why I left home. We talked for hours. It was nice to really have someone hear me out of my life and everything I've lived through. He then stood up and walked towards me, I was still just sitting on the swing set I was at. He gets in between my legs and facing me he pulls my head up from my chin and kisses me. I don't this this was strictly business but I didn't care. I liked it. He then just hugged me and that too felt like forever but I didn't want it to end. I wanted that to be much more than forever.
We get on the bus ride back to San Francisco and I wasn't sure if he was feeling what I was feeling but I felt like HOLY FUCK this trip is ending. I wanted it to keep going but this feeling like my heart dropped because it's really going back to how life is. "Want to go to the Pier when we get back? I want to spend more time with you." he says. "Yeah i'm down." I respond. An hour and a half later we finally arrive to San Francisco. Both of us with our bags, we made our way to the Pier. "Ready for an adventure?" he says. I was more than ready. We finally get to the Pier and he shows me one of his favorite restaurants and we end up getting a ton of food. While we waited for the food to arrive he just stops talking. "Are you ok?" I ask him. He's just thinking really hard and like i'm just laughing and not taking him serious, at one point I grabbed my phone and switched on to snapchat and was just putting random filters on his face while he was just completely frozen. I ask him again "Ron are you ok?". He looked up to me and he says "I don't even know how to put this right in words.." I was confused but before I could even say anything he says "I think i'm falling in love with you.." I never been so happy to laugh at him for breaking that strictly business rule. I was laughing but then I realized, am I getting a boyfriend? The epitome of my type is sitting right in front of me talking about how he's falling for me. This is like a fantasy. It can't be true.

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