Chapter 8: Playing Games

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Sophie revisits Mike's room and wonders if Mike took Xen. Sophie knocks on his door and asks him whether he took the medication or not. Mike decides to tell Sophie about the radiation that's in Xen. Mike said, "Mom, I haven't taken the medication yet." He was about to continue speaking but gets cut off. "Why didn't you take the damn medication? I know your stupid philosophy about medication." Sophie said. She continues to say, "Are you playing games?" Mike replies, "It's not about me hating medication, it contains radiation!" Sophie had shock on her face. She felt bad about her previous response to Mike. She wishes that she can take it back. "Mike didn't take the Xen until we discuss it with Dr. Henderson," Sophie replied. Sophie thinks Mike might turn into a superhero with the radiation that's in the medication.

Mike uncertain about how he's going to sleep. He was hoping for a good night's rest, but now who knows what will happen. Sophie tells Mike the first thing in the morning they will go to Dr. Henderson. Sophie walks out of Mikes room with disturbance seen on her face. She can't believe Dr. Henderson gave her son such a medication that contains radiation. Mike puts Xen next to his nightstand. He isn't going to take it, he now expecting the worst to come. As the nightfall comes, Mike is resting in bed and is trying to sleep. He tries to count sleep and people say it works. Mike gives it a try. Mike says out loud, "1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep...10...sheep...20...sheep...30...sheep...40...sheep... 50 sheep." Lori passes by Mike room and hears him counting sheep. Lori doesn't want to say anything to Mike, especially now at a time like this. Lori doesn't say a word to mike. Mike continues to say to himself, "This counting sheep is bullshit. It's not helping me sleep. It's making me angrier." He just lays there for hours and hours tossing and turning.

 It's midnight, Mike can't sleep. He begins hearing sounds again and this strange feeling comes back worst then ever. Mike begins to hear Johns's voice and loud sirens coming from the distance. Could it be Siren Head? Mike begins to look outside and nobody insight.Mike is very tempted in taking Xen but stops himself from doing so again. Suddenly out of nowhere voices begin to speak to Mike. "Mike, you're finally catching on...?" The voices said. "Catching on", Mike replied. Mike continues, "What are you talking about?" I am trying to sleep here. Leave me alone!" The voices reply, "Look at the color on your forehead. The one you were born with." The color on his forehead when he was born becomes noticeable. The voice continues, "you're the chosen one! Look in the mirror now!" Mike quickly gets up thinking it was a dream. He then notices the time and that in fact he did not sleep a bit.

Mike rushes to the bathroom. He puts the light on in the bathroom. He sees himself by the mirror and sees a weird color on his forehead that wasn't there beforehand. It was the same one described by the voices that spoke to him. It's a blueish color. He asks himself, "Color I was born with? What is are the voices talking about?" He doesn't know what to do about it. Should he poke at it? He looks at it for a few minutes. He decides that he's going to ask Dr. Henderson in the morning when he sees him. It's late at night, Mike doesn't want to wake up anybody up. He goes back to his room and see if the "voices" are still there. Mike responses to the voices, "Who are you?" Mike waits for a few moments and no response. Mike waits in silences in the pitch dark.

Mike is trying to comprehend what just happened. He doesn't know what to do. He stands still for a while and confused. He then decides to make a few phone calls in the middle of the night. He tries to call Mac, but Mac doesn't pick up. Mike believes it late and Mac might be sleeping. He then remembers to call John. He's about to freak out. His hands are shaking while he dials John's number. John picks up with a strange sound in the background. Mike calls him again, but this time no answer. "That was strange. Is John hiding something from me" Mike said. Mike doesn't want to bother John, so he left it alone and carries on. The sun finally rises, and Mike is happy the night is over.

Mike is lying in bed and is waiting for Sophie.He doesn't know whether to tell her about the 'voices' or not. While he waits,it gives him some time to think about it. Lori was up all night on her phone.Her room is right across from Mike's. She heard Mike talk to himself. She felta bit concern about Mike. She spied on him for a little. She opened his doorand watched him. She saw him freak out. She was going to tell Sophie in themorning when she wakes up. Mike decides not to tell Sophie and carry on withDr. Henderson. Sophie knocks on Mike's door,  and asks Mike if he's ready. 

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