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As I laid on my bed, I couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung. About our make-out session, and his eyes. Those damn red spots dancing around his iris. I sighed and smiled, how can I fall for someone so hard and so fast??

As I couldn't sleep, I just got up and got dressed. I went outside and shivered a little, as the air still was fresh. But I enjoyed it, it felt like mint gum but for my lungs.

I began walking, deep in thought. I smiled to myself, still thinking about Tae, but then I heard steps. "Who is here at this ungodly hour?" I mumbled to myself and looked around.

Then I saw a man approaching me, my flight instinct slowly setting in. "Excuse me?" The deep voice asked. I just looked at him suspiciously. "My name is Jaesang. I'm new around here and wondered if you could show me this address?" He pulled out a piece of paper and I squinted.

The address was indeed in this street and I looked at him again. "Why should I? It's 3 am and I know the people living there. What could you possibly want at this hour?" I frowned.

"You." He grinned. I was about to run, another man just whacked me in the head with something. I fell to the ground, my vision becoming blurry. "T-Taehyung..." I croaked.

Then the black edges forming in my vision slowly closed in, leaving me in complete darkness.



I woke up and directly grabbed my phone to text Yoongi.

Good morning Yoongs! Hope you slept well :)

Then I got ready for college, the others were already waiting down the hall. As soon as we all sat in the car they started bombarding me with questions.

"Did you have sex?", "How did it go?", "Did his Dad punch you?" I laughed. "We didn't have sex, it went quite well and no his dad didn't punch me," I said, in between laughs.

"His mum even said that she's glad that Yoongi is with me" I smiled, the other guys cooed at me. As we were driving along the street on which you had to turn right into Jungkooks and Yoongis neighborhood, I got an uneasy feeling. I felt as if I was in pain, and I got a headache.

I started breathing a little louder, and a feeling in my gut told me something was terribly wrong. The premonition only got worse as I saw Jungkook running towards the car, his face full of horror. "Stop the car," I said to Hobi. "Why? We're late already" he replied.

"I said: Stop. The. Car." I said, now using my alpha voice. The others knew I only use it when something serious is up, so he complied and stopped at the sidewalk. Jungkook almost immediately rushed towards the car, Jimin rolled down the window on the passenger's seat.

"Guys... Something... Happened..." he said, panting from all the running. We all waited for him to catch his breath. "Yoongi disappeared." He looked at us seriously.

"Say sike" Seokjin almost whispered. Jungkook shook his head. "His parents called me this morning if he was already over at mine, I said yes but he wasn't, I didn't even speak to him after your date yesterday," he said, his voice beginning to break.

𝓨𝓸𝓾, 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓮  [ᵗᵃᵉᵍⁱ] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now