Chapter 1 - Fear of Falling

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"Why?" Gahyeon let that word move past her lips. She wasn't someone who would talk aloud when she was alone, however, this actually happened.

The word slipped out.

She was sitting on her bed in the room which she shared with Handong, her co-member. They shared the room in the dorm where they lived with their group, Dreamcatcher.

However, Handong was not there. She was participating in a TV show in China, meaning Gahyeon was left alone in their room.

Just her and her own thoughts, something she usually didn't mind. However, tonight was different. And it was different because Gahyeon couldn't keep up her usual happy demeanour.

She was usually happy, full of spunk and loud. Very loud, some members would note.

But now, she was quiet. Something just wasn't clicking. Well, not just one thing, several of them.

Dreamcatcher's latest comeback, titled Scream, was another song that their fans eagerly anticipated. They loved every second of the song and couldn't get enough of it, which was confirmed with all of the comments that the members could see online when they saw the fans discussing their latest comeback.

It's different... But also, the same? As in, it feels like a Dreamcatcher song, but it has another layer on top it and I'm loving it!

It's so gooooood! Can't stop listening to it!


The raps, the vocals, the dance, the visuals, the fact that Handong's presence is still felt even though she's not with the group currently.... It's all so good!

Those and many other positive commments were seen by the members and they giggled happily because they really enjoyed the joy that they could spread across their fandom. 

However, there was always the bitterness that would usually follow Dreamcather considering they were still a relatively small group with a smaller following - they couldn't get a win on any of the award shows that the Korean media presented every week. 

All sorts of groups promoted their newest songs on the aforementioned shows and it was a different battle every week.

And usually the groups didn't take it too hard if they lost on one of the award shows - there was always next week. And even if they didn't win, the groups were in the music industry because of the music that they shared and loved and because of the fans that they made along the way - the wins were just bonuses, not the reason they were actually there.

Not winning an award wasn't going to stand in the way of their enjoyment of what they were doing after all.

And that was something that Dreamcatcher had been saying to themselves, and their fandom for that matter, for a while now - they were all there for the music.

However, as comebacks came and went, the wish to succeed and actually get an award grew bigger and bigger, both from the group and the fans.

It started out small and not really as something that they actually cared for that much - the group would just ignore if they would lose. It just meant they could get to the dorm earlier and enjoy their evening sooner than they planned. Sometimes they would even go out on the town and enjoy themselves - they just didn't care that much.

But with each new comeback, the members started to feel like they weren't giving their all for their fans - after all, they "should" have won by now if their music meant anything at all... Right? 

Or at least that was the question that they started to ask themselves more frequently as comebacks were coming and going.

They still enjoyed doing their music, but somehow, being longer in the music industry made them more vulnerable and eager to win.

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