Why Me?

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You wake up from the sunlight hitting directly in your eyes. You sat up and saw you were in your special place. You looked around to try and find your phone to see what time it is. You found your phone across the tree house from you. You picked it up and saw that you have 32 missed calls and 78 new text messages. You saw how they all were from your boyfriend, well, ex.
You rolled your eyes and sighed. You looked out of one of the windows and say it was getting late and you better head home. You slowly lowered the ladder and climbed down. When you reached the ground you took down the ladder and hid it again in it's usual spot. You put your hands on your pockets and you heard your stomach growl. You were hungry.
You remembered that you had that picnic in the trunk of your car. You got to your car and opened the trunk and went through the basket of food and found the sandwiches and a water. You got into the front seat and turned on the radio to listen to some music. You started eating and spaced out for a bit. You blinked and decided it would be good to actually head home. You turned the engine on and headed home.
You pulled into your road and saw a familiar car in the driveway. You huffed and pulled in next to the car. You quickly got out of your car and slammed the door. Your ex jumped out of the car and came close to you.

"(Y/N), where were you!? You scared me half to death!" He said.

"None of your business." You said blatenly as you started heading towards your front door.

He shook his head following you and said, "Listen, this morning was rough. Why don't we just forget it all happened and celebrate our anniversary together." You spun around fast and slapped him across his face. He looked at you completely shocked and fell speechless. Your hand began to hurt and you saw a red hand print start to form on his cheek.

"We are not dating. You are not my boyfriend. I am not your girlfriend. This is over! Leave me alone and go home." You said and turned away and walked into your home.
You turned around and slammed the door and locked it. You locked your car and stomped to your room. You closed the door and jumped onto your bed and began to cry again. You heard his car leave and drive away. You picked your head up from your tear stained pillow and decided to take a shower to help ease the pain. You went to your dresser and grabbed your favorite pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt that was from your dad and went to the bathroom.
You closed and locked the door and started to undress. You turned music on and turned the water on in the shower. You stood in the shower and let the water hit your skin and closed your eyes. Your mother's favorite song came on and you decided to sing along. When the song ended you opened your eyes and washed you hair. You finished cleaning yourself you got out and dried off.
You put on the clothes you had with you and walked out of the bathroom. You walked to the kitchen where there was a note on the counter. The note was from your mom and it said, 'Hey baby, hope your date was fun! I made your favorite, Chicken Alfredo. Its in the fridge and ready for you . Just heat it up in the microwave and eat it with some garlic bread. Love you bunches, Mom'
You smiled down at the note and sat it down. You headed towards the fridge and grabbed the play of food she was talking about. You took off the plastic wrap and put the plate in the microwave for two and a half minutes. You grabbed a slice of garlic bread from the container of the counter.  The microwave beeped and you grabbed the plate and went to your room. You closed your door and sat on your bed and began to eat.
You took your phone out and blocked your ex's number and cleared all of the missed calls from your call log. You grabbed your TV remote and decided to watch some Netflix to distract yourself from the though of him. You put on your favorite movie and finished eating. You sat your plate on your desk and payed back watching the movie. You felt yourself slowly drift to sleep, but you fought to stay awake. You closed your eyes and let sleep take over you.
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. You looked at the time and saw that it was 3:15 in the morning.

"Hello?" You said tired as you rubbed your eyes.

"Heyyyy besiteeeee!!!" You heard your best friend scream into the phone which made you pull your phone away from you ear. She was always the bubbly and happy one. Never got sad or upset, but she's a major party animal.

"Hey, what's up?" You said with a smile.

"Well, I heard what happened between you and you-know-who and I wanted to check up on you!!" She said cheerfully.

"At 3:30 in the morning?" You said with a smirk.

"I guess I could've call you tomorrow, but I was too worried about you so I had to call as soon as I heard what happened." She said.

"How did you find out anyway?" You said a bit curious of how she found out without you telling her.

"Oh, he told me himself." She said straight away. You sat up quick.

"He did???" You said shocked. She hummed a yes. "Why did he tell you?"

"Well, he called me asking if I knew where you were and of course I said no, and then I asked why and he told me that you ran off after seeing him and a random girl hooking up." You sat there shocked that he actually told her what happened.

You shook your head and said, "Hey, it's pretty late. Why don't we both call it a night and talk more about it tomorrow?"

"Okay, sounds good, I'll call you tomorrow. Loves you. Byeeeee" she said and hung up. You layed back down and rolled over to put your phone on the charger. You rolled back and slowly drifted back to sleep.

That's the end of the second chapter!!!! Thank you a lot for reading this story and if you want something to change let me know!!

Word count: 1099

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