Chapter Nine

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"Lee?" I asked confused as he burst into the room out of breath.

"Ara?" He breathed out then looked at Ms.Park with relief on his face.

"Mom! Thank god you're okay! Do you know how worried I was and dad is freaking out." He said as he rushed to his mother's side.

Realization dawned at me and my eyes widened.

I just met Lee's mom?!

Isn't Lee's last name Jenson?

Well his mom's name is Korean so she must not have changed her last name and Lee probably has his father's last name.

As I was making sense of their family name Lee tightly embraced his mother before pulling away and checking if she had any injuries.

"Why did you tell you father? He's on a business trip you dummy." She muttered with an eye roll and I chuckled.

Lee finally remembered that my existence was also present in the room and he glanced at me from where he was standing.

"What are you doing her, Ara?" He asked curiously.

"She was on the bus with me and brought me here with her friend. How do you know her?" Ms Park answered before I could and suddenly I grew very nervous.

Did Lee not tell his parents about me?

I told my mom about him since day one!


I tell my mom everything so...

"That's my girlfriend." Lee answered with a proud smile as he moved to where I was standing and wrapped me in a bone crushing hug.

In front of his mother!

My breath hitches and I tried pulling away from the hug but he wouldn't budge and kept his arms tightly wrapped around my waist.

"W-what are you doing? Stop!" I whispered yelled into his chest and he laughed before pulling away.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He said and sneaked a kiss on my cheek as my face grew very very hot.

His mom was right there!

"Um your welcome." I said very awkwardly.

"Your mother is standing right here young man." Ms Park said and I grew even more embarrassed.

But that idiot only laughed.

At least he let his hands drop from my waist and moved to sit on the foot of the bed.

"It sucks that you two have to meet like this but mom this is my girlfriend Arabella Meier and Ara this is my wonderful mom Yuna Park." Lee grinned.

"Nice to meet you Ms Park." I said.

Why is this situation so awkward?

Oh yeah cause I already met her like five minutes ago.

"Nice to meet you too Arabella." She told me with a kind and warm smile that instantly made me relax.

"Where's Kai?" Ms Park asked Lee as I sat back down on the chair.

"He's with the neighbours." He said.

"You mean Marcus's house?" She asked and Lee nodded.

"You and Marcuse are neighbours?" I asked shocked at the new information.

"Yep!" He said and ruffled my hair which I swatted his hand away.

"I'm going to let you guys be now." I said after a couple of moments of chatting with them and got up to leave when Lee grabbed my wrist.

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