Chapter Twenty

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"That's him?" Lee whispered pointing to the guy walking towards the pizzeria and Mira nodded.

"Okay I'll go get him near the alley." I said and just as I was about to start walking Lee grabbed my wrist.

"Be careful okay? And don't touch him!" Lee said sulking and I laughed.

"Don't worry babe." I said and pecked his lip before making my way towards our target.

We decided that I'd be the one to approach him since I don't have any classes with him. He already knows Mira and Anissa and Marcus  share a few classes with him so he'll know their together and won't fall for it if Anissa does it.

Lee was very reculant to let me do this but after  pestering him about it and baking him cookies he finally agreed.

As I came a stop next to him I took a deep breath before starting to talk.

"Hey." I said softly while tucking my hair behind my ear. He turned to me with a smirk looking me up and down and I wanted to roll my eyes at him.

"Hello there." He said.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me?" I said with a shy smile.

"I was suppose to be with my friends but I could never turn down a gorgeous girl like you." He said with a flirty smile and I acted flustered.

"I have a spot we could go. We will be able to be all alone." I said and his eyebrows raised, surprised.

"I didn't think you would want to go that fast but lead the way gorgeous." He said with another smirk.

I turned around and made a gagging motion as he followed me to where all my friends were waiting.

"So where are we going?" He asked.

"Just wait and see." I said with my usual voice and his eyebrows furrowed but he shrugged and continued to follow me.

When we turned the corner Lee's hand latched onto my wrist pulling me to him as Elijah grabbed the collar of Noah's shirt pulling him in the alleyway.

"W-what what's going on?" He stammered looking at all of us but when his gaze landed on Mira all colour drained from his face.

"That's right asshole." She chuckled approaching him. "You best be scared."

Than she punched him square in the jaw.

"Taking advantage of a drunk person? You think I'm going to let you get away with that? Especially if that drunk person is me?" She said with a sinister smile.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! We were just messing around." He said frantically and Elijah scoffed.

He pushed him to the brick wall and we all were standing around him, blocking him from escaping.

If someone were to walk into this alley it wouldn't look to good.

"You're going to make your friends confess of what they did and record their confessions." Elijah said with a dark and scary tone.

Noah started laughing at his face which made Elijah even more furious as he clenched his fists in anger.

"Why the fuck would I do that?" Noah continued to laugh.

"Because if you don't I'll go to your daddy and tell him every single thing you've been doing with your friends." Mira said advancing towards him with a menacing tone.

His eyes widened and fear flashed through them.

"Y-you can't!" He said and Marcus chuckled.

"Why not?" Marcus asked.

"He'll completely cut me off! I need his money for college." Noah begged and Anissa started laughing.

"You're so fucking stupid dude. If you don't listen to us we will go to your dad and you can forget all about college." She said with a smirk.

"But if you agree to help us maybe the school board might me nicer to you and  not expel you. If you get expelled this time around the year for something like this you can completely say goodbye to your diploma." Lee said.

"Fine! I'll help you. But if Vince finds out he'll kill me."

"Than don't get caught." I shrugged.

He turned to me and glared.

"You bitch." He said and started to approach me but before he could even think about touching me Lee pushed him back to the brick wall.

"Don't ever talk to her like that again." He gritted out with narrowed eyes.

"Oh so she's your girl? You let your girl go around flirt with other dudes?" Noah chuckled despite the obvious fear he was feeling with his shaky fingers.

I laughed at what he said and he turned to me.

"You think I was interested in you or something? You're just a stupid boy who has to live off his fathers money instead of actually putting effort in your pathetic life." I said and he gave me a death glare that I shook off.

"Now you bring us the confession within the week or we go knock on your father's door." Mira said as Lee backed off.

"You don't even know where I live!" Noah grinned, relived like he had just found a loophole.

But before he could be swarmed with too much happiness Elijah went and broke his little non existent heart.

"I have my ways. And trust me when I want something I get it." He said with a smirk.

That sounded like something a spoiled little kid would say.

"Fuck you guys." Noah said and purposely pushed past me to get out of the little circle we had formed around him.

I stumbled back and Lee caught me in his arms.

"Fuck you too!" He yelled just as Noah disappeared around the corner.

"Well that went great!" I said with a smile and they all smiled back except of course Elijah who just gave a triumphant smirk.

"We're going to be late if we don't head back though." I said and they all nodded.

"I hope this works." Anissa said.

"It will." I tried to reassure her but I was nervous about this as well.

"If it doesn't I'll just beat the confession out of them." Elijah shrugged as he lazily walked behind us.

Marcus and Lee chuckled and we rolled our eyes.

"Than you'll get in trouble too." Mira rolled her eyes and dragged him next to her by grabbing his hand.

"I don't mind a little trouble baby." He said with a smirk and I silently laughed as Mira sighed like she was done with him.

"We only have a month and a half left of school and yet we had to have even more drama happen." Marcus said and we all agreed.

"True. At least we'll be able to end it all in a good way." Anissa said with a smile and we all looked at her confused.

Good way?

"Prom and graduation of course!" She said with an exited smile. "It's in three weeks!"

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