Chapter Nineteen

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When I finally reached my house I stopped running. I fell to the grass while heavily breathing and laughing as Lee also dropped next to me.

"You will not get away with that precious." He said in between pants.

I glanced at the street where Marcus's car was parked and they both came out with amused smiles.

"What happened to you guys?" They asked.

"I was just trying to-"

"Lee was annoying me so I ran away from him." I cut him off knowing he was going to say he was trying to kiss me.

"Yeah sure." Lee nodded with a teasing smile and got up and then lent me his hand to help me get up.

We went inside and I got out some snacks while we were waiting for Mira and Elijah.

A couple of minutes later they came in and I let them in.

We all sat on the couches while eating different kind of snacks that were stored in my kitchen.

"What am I doing here? I hate people." Elijah said with a groan and I frowned at him.

"No one invited you. You're the one who wanted to come with Mira." I said and Lee grinned at me.

"I wasn't going to leave her alone today." Elijah said with a grunt and rested his head on Mira's shoulder who was eating Doritos while rolling her eyes at him.

"What happens to Darius? Wasn't he going to take you to prom?" I asked and Elijah's head shot up to glare at Mira.

"Who the fuck is Darius?" He asked with heated eyes and I awkwardly looked at my friends who were trying not to laugh.

"He's the dick who invited me to that stupid party." She said and Elijah relaxed putting his head back on her shoulder.

"Oh the guy I punched?" He said and Mira nodded popping another chip in her mouth.

"Are you guys dating?" Anissa asked curiously.



They both answered at the same time and we all looked at them with raised eyebrows.

"We are but she's in denial." Elijah said.

"How are we dating if we never even talked about it?" Mira asked incredulously.

"Talking is overrated." He said with an eye roll.

"I saved your ass at the party. I stayed all night with you while you slept in my arms in my car. Than today I even kissed you and came here with you. Therefore I'm your boyfriend." He said like it was obvious.

"Ok whatever."

"Can we know what exactly happened at the party now so we can find a way to catch those bastards?" Lee asked.

"Darius asked me to go and I was bored so I agreed and when I arrived he gave me a drink. I though he was an okay guy so I took it but he put something weird in it that made me go drunk really fast. And then he introduced me to his friends including that Vincent guy who said we should go to a room.

Then after we were in the room Vincent guy started filming me as I started crying out of nowhere. I passed out at some point and that's when they took the pictures. I think they were about to mess with me but Elijah came into the room thinking he could be alone for five minutes because he was dragged there by his brother and then he saw them and he asked them what they were doing when Darius said I was with him and than Elijah punched him cause he's Elijah.

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