Chapter Fourteen

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"I cannot believe that goody two shoes Arabella Meier skipped school with me." Anissa said as she looked through her closet.

"We did not skip school." I said with an eye roll. "You were hurt so we simply went home. It's almost the end of the day anyways."

"Is your wrist okay?" I asked worriedly and she turned around to look back at me and gave me a smile.

"I'm fine don't worry. I was going to kick his ass but Marcus came so I didn't get the chance." She made a huffing sound and I chuckled.

"You looked pretty shaken up when I came though." I said cautiously and she sighed.

"Honestly I was kinda scared. I mean he was literally a giant compared to me and he was overpowering me. Plus that weird creepy look in his eyes." She shuddered.

"Thank god he didn't do anything else." I said.

"I mean we were at school what was he going to do." She said with a shrug.

"You never know Anissa just be careful around him." I said and she nodded.

"Oooo! I found it!" She said taking out a pair of black ripped jeans.

"Why were you looking so much for this?" I asked and she gave me a grin.

"Marc said my ass looks great in this and I love it paired with his jersey that I'm gonna tie to show off my stomach." She said excitedly and I laughed.

"What are you going to wear?" She asked.

"Blue denim shorts and the shirt stops below the shorts anyways so you won't really see it." I said with a shrug and she smirked.

"Ooo sexy." She said and we both laughed.

"Did Marcus tell you what happened?" I asked her as I got up and looked through her closet to find the shorts I wanted.

Lee had texted me that everything was fine but he couldn't tell me any details since he needed to go pick up his little brother after school.

"Yeah amongst the hundred apologies he told me that they were going to get suspended for causing a fight but than Lee explained the whole thing and used his "argument skills" to get them out of suspension and into lunch detention. But the guy is suspended for a week." She grinned and I nodded.

"I never knew Lee had arguing skills." I said with a laugh.

"Speaking of him you hadn't spilled much tea about you guys. Now that we have time before the game tell me everything." She said as I came to sit next to her on the bed with the shorts.

We both laid down on the bed as I started telling everything about my relationship to my best friend.

Once I was done I looked at her and surprisingly she had a scrunched up face.

"What's with that face?" I asked frowning.

"You guys are just too disgustingly adorable." She said and I started to laugh somewhat embarrassed.

"No we're not!" I argued and she looked at me like I was stupid.

"From everything you just told me yes you are. It isn't bad though like I said it's adorable." She smiled teasingly and I blushed.

"Whatever we should get ready for the game." I said and she nodded getting up.

We got dressed and put on some light makeup before leaving the house and driving back towards school.

"Do you think they'll win?" I asked nervously.

"Of course they will." She said confidently. "They practiced non stop for this match and it's the last one for the year."

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