Chapter Twelve

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"How come you did not tell me you had a boyfriend?" My dad asked as we all sat back down on the couches with glasses of water.

I could tell Lee was feeling awkward and had no idea what to do.

"You never asked." I replied to my dad and he frowned.

"You should tell me such information regardless of if I ask or not." My dad said and I nodded.

"Well introduce us to your boyfriend." My dad said expectantly and I grabbed Lee's hand.

"This is Lee Jenson. Lee this is my dad Alexander and his girlfriend Mackenzie. And Mira who's Mackenzie's daughter." I introduced them.

My dad was staring at Lee with judgement while Mackenzie still had that creepy smile. Mira was looking at us with indifference and nodded at Lee, acknowledging his presence and he awkwardly nodded back. I wanted to laugh but I somewhat felt bad so I stopped myself.

"Um nice to meet you sir..." Lee said and I stifled a chuckle which he noticed and shot me a glare.

"Nice to meet you too." My dad said with narrowed eyes.

"What a sweet boy!" Mackenzie exclaimed and Mira scoffed at her mother before turning back to her phone.

"Um thank you?" Lee said and I grinned at how adorable he was.

"Anyways." My dad said clearing his throat and getting up taking Mackenzie's hand and walked a few steps away from the couch and faced us.

I looked at them with confusion and Lee matched my expression. Even Mira closed her phone to look at them.

"I wanted to do this during a special moment in front of both of our children." My dad started off and looked at Mackenzie with a smile. My heart rate sped up at his words and I hoped he wasn't about to do that I thought he was  about to do.

"Mackenzie I'm so glad to have met you. I hope we can spend the rest of our lives together. So will you marry me?" My dad said as he got one knee and Lee tightly squeezed my hand.

What a shitty proposal. My conscience said but I shoved that at the back of my mind.

I wanted to yell at my father.

I cannot believe he just did that.

"Oh my god Alex! Yes, of course!" Mackenzie said with a humongous smile.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

That was not me.

Mira glared at my dad and her mother with fury in her eyes.

"Mira! That is no way to speak to your soon to be step father." Mackenzie said sternly as dad got up from his position and turned to Mira with a frown.

I swallowed not knowing what to say and Lee uncomfortably shifted in his spot.

God this was so embarrassing. He probably wished he never came here.

"My "soon to be step father" is a lunatic!" Mira exclaimed standing up from the couch and Mackenzie gasped.

"How can you say that?!" She yelled at her daughter who was scoffing.

"He literally proposed to you in his ex wife's house. In front of me, his daughter AND her boyfriend who he just met." She growled out and I stared at her in shock. I thought she didn't care about anything.

"What kind of sane person does that?" She muttered and sat back down her indifference coming back and I blinked.

Everyone was awkwardly silent before someone decided to break it.

"Congratulations?" Lee said with an unsure smile and than pressed his lips together in regret.

I knew he blurted that out without thinking but I was somewhat thankful for it.

"Thank you." My dad said then actually put the fancy ring on Mackenzie's finger before they sat back down next to Mira who again was immersed into her phone.

My dad glanced at me and I looked down at my feet. Lee squeezed my hand reassuringly and I took a deep breath before opening my mouth.

"Congrats." I said.

"But Mira was right. It was a horrible idea to propose here and I would appreciate it that from now own we never ever meet in this house. This is my mother's house. If you want to see me call me somewhere else." I said and my heart beat accelerated as I waited for my dad to respond.

"You're right I probably shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry." My dad said with a little bit of regret in his tone and I nodded accepting his apology while Mira scoffed in disbelieve giving me a small glance.

I shifted uncomfortably not knowing what she was thinking of me.

"We should go honey. Why don't we have dinner at that restaurant I told you about?" Mackenzie asked my dad while squeezing his arm.

"Yes let's do that." My dad nodded getting up and than glanced at Lee and I. "Do you guys want to join?"

"No!" Lee blurted out before putting his hand on his mouth. I chuckled softly, the action reminding me of the first time we met.

"What Lee was trying to say was that he needs to go home before dinner and I'm going to eat dinner with mom." I said and my dad nodded.

"Goodbye then. I'll call you soon." And with that they were gone.

"That was..." Lee said as we sat back down on the couch with relived sighs.

"Horrible." I finished for him and he nodded.

"I can't believe he actually did that." I said still shocked how he could propose in his ex-wife's house.

"Yeah that was weird." Lee nodded.

"I wished I could have told them off like Mira did." I said wistfully.

"But you did." Lee said.

"Yeah but not fiercely like Mira. I mean it was so cool!" I said and we both laughed.

"It was kinda cool but I like the fact that you're kind and sweet and obviously you were going to take a different approach." Lee said playing with my hair and I hummed resting my head on his shoulder.

"You probably wanted to disappear. I'm sorry for putting you in an awkward position." I apologized.

"I kinda did want to disappear but with you. I was glad I was there to be there for you. So there's no need to apologize." Lee said kissing my forehead.

"Don't you have an exam tomorrow." Lee said and I shot up from the couch.

"Oh no! I completely forgot!" I said and Lee laughed.

"You've been studying like crazy for it don't worry." Lee said getting up and softly stroking my cheek with a soft smile.

"I'll go home now. I'll see you tomorrow precious" Lee said after half an hour of us cuddling on the couch and talking.

I nodded at him walked him to the door.

"What no goodbye kiss?" I asked with a teasing smile as he was leaving. He turned back around, wrapped me in his arm and kissed me.

He pulled away after a couple of moments and grinned at me with flushed cheeks.

"You're so cute when you blush." I said poking his pink dimple and he laughed letting go of me.

"You too precious." He said, pecking my red cheeks with a smile, then ran off towards the direction of his house.

"Bye!" I yelled before shutting the door with a silly smile on my face.

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