Chapter Twenty-Six

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Hae Ri

"Try again," Jeonghwa ordered.

Took a deep breath and crossed my arms in front of my chest. I channeled a bunch of energy and pushed my arms out, sending a large purple crescent into Godoghan Lake. The energy fizzled out within seconds, barely affecting the water.

"Ah! Why can't I do it?" I threw my hands up in frustration. A hit like that should have created a huge wave.

Jiji stared at me from the tree above. She dangled her fluffy tail happily. Somehow I felt like she was laughing at my failure.

Why don't you come down here and give it a try.

Jeonghwa's face was calm. "Do not doubt yourself," she said as she looked at the bright blue sky. The whispy white clouds passed over the largest shinning star. "Something is blocking your energy."

"Blocking? What could it be?" I scanned my body for the source of the problem. "Is it these?" I asked holding up the silver bracelets around my forearms.

"The problem is here," she said and poked my head. "Look in front of you. What do you see?"

The question was ridiculous, but I entertained it. "A lake."

"Which is made up of..." She waited for me to answer.

"Water," I replied with furrowed eyebrows.

"Uh huh, and what is special about it?"

"Umm..." I trailed off. This was something I never really thought about. Water was water to me.

She bent down and ran her hand through the water before taking it out and letting the droplets fall. "This is a powerful force. It is incredibly versatile, taking on many forms. It constantly changes, as should you." She stood and flashed her silver hair over her shoulder.

She was right. If I was ever going to make a difference, I needed to change my approach. The problem lied in my execution of the move. The power was there, but it kept getting lost. I backed a couple of steps away. Jeonghwa watched my movements closely.

I clasped my hands together and held them at my right side. After a deep breath, I charged towards the water. Before I reached the water threw my arms in a horizontal lines across my body. The momentum and open form made for a strong and even attack. In a flash, a huge wave rose. It was so massive that when it fell, the water spilled onto the surrounding land and destroyed some crops.

"That was amazing, but we have to get out of here," Jeonghwa said.

Not wanting to meet the furious farmer, we left the scene with Jiji following close behind.


Jeonghwa took me local tea shop. It was a slow day, only three tables were being served. The herbal scent added to the already calm aura of the place.

"You know the deal," She said to Jiji, who was not allowed to enter.

Like a the trained cat she was, Jiji rested under the shade of the neighboring shop.

When we were seated I ordered a peach oolong tea sweetened with honey. Jeonghwa got a jasmine tea with a lemon, unsweetened. Yuck.

She took a sip, the steam turning her nose red. "In two weeks you have made great strides."

"Thank you. It is because I have a great teacher." I replied and took a sip of this sickeningly sweet tea.

There was a moment where we stopped talking to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere. I stared into my cup, my reflection staring back at me. I looked older now that my face was slimmer. It seemed my adult features had finally made their appearance.

The elder across me crossed her arms and leaned in her chair. "If you don't mind me asking, why is it that you pursue the emerald?"

That question brought me to a dark place. I immediately remembered the night when Juran fell.

After a moment of silence, I spoke. "There were many people, good people who lost their lives."

The image of Min Woo, Chief Jang, and other Jurani I knew popped in my head. Then, Areum's smiling face appeared. The same face that brightened any day. 

"Of those people there was a little girl who was like a sister to me. She helped me during my hardest time and introduced me to peaceful world, full of wonderful people." I soft smile crept across my lips as I said that. "She was someone who would care for others even if it meant risking her life. She deserved better, they all did, which is why I have to bring them back."

My heart felt heavy. There was nothing that I wanted more in the world than to be with the people of Juran again.

Jeonghwa, who was silent during my answer, rested a hand on my shoulder. "That is honorable. Your heart is true, and I know you will do well for those people you speak of."

My eyes became glossy upon hearing her words. Ever since I embarked on this journey, no one had believed in me.

She retracked her hand and shifted in her seat. "More tea?" she asked pointing to the kettle.

I was going to decline when my eye caught sight of someone who looked familiar.

At the front counter stood a man in a blue robe. His back was turned. Long black hair in a ponytail flowed down his back. He held a narrow metal case that was half his size. It appeared to be a sheath for a weapon, a sharp one.

The swordsman!?

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