Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Hae Ri

The man spoke to the tea shop's owner, moving his hands in an expressive manner. I couldn't tell what it was they were talking about but it must have been exciting for the owner smiled wide.

He's friendly with someone? That's a first.

The longer I stared, the less like the swordsman he appeared. His posture was lacking, he did not hold the grace he did when we first met. He was more open with his body language, certainly not reserved.

When presented with the black case, the owner opened it to reveal not a sword, but a sheet of rolled parchment. He unrolled it and showed the large image of a steaming cup of tea and a bee next to it. The words "try our honey suckle tea" was inked above the drawing.

The one who I believed to be the swordsman leaned on the counter, which allowed me to see his face. His features were entirely different. This was an older man. Instead of thick eyebrows his were sparse. He did not have almond eyes, but rather hooded ones that wrinkled at the corners.

It isn't him.

I turned around and exhaled hard. When I looked up I found Jeonghwa staring at me.

"What was that?" she asked referring to my strange behavior.

"It's nothing," I dismissed.

"Hmm, the look on your face told me otherwise." She took another sip of her tea. "Someone you were expecting?"

"No not at all. That guy wasn't even a swordsman," I blurted out.

She smirked. "I didn't ask about a swordsman."

I wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there.

Why did I mention that?

She leaned in. "Now I'm interested."

I had no choice but to spill the details on the mysterious swordsman I encountered. "There is a swordsman that I've been running into. He's also pursuing the emerald. He doesn't look much older than me, yet he speaks as though he's been through it all. I think he's a foreigner, his robes are different and he has a slight accent. And for some odd reason he wears leather gloves."

"Hmm, sounds mysterious. Just my type." Jeonghwa said with a giggle.

I sighed and ran my hand through hair in frustration. This was serious. "It's so annoying! He shows up out of nowhere and confuses me. We've met twice now, and out of those two times we've helped each other."

"Hmm," she said as she tapped on her cup repeatedly. "That is quite the coincidence. It almost sounds like fate."

I was in complete shock. "Fate? That is not what this is." It had to be anything else other than fate.

"Don't rule it out. There are people we are destined to meet. Look at you and I."

That was true, Jeonghwa and I met by chance. Her words were similar to what Father used to say. He told me that everything happens for a reason. For this case, I prayed that reason wasn't fate.

"He may serve a purpose in your life. Your next encounter, you either make use of it and get to know him..." she paused then shrugged. "...Or end it for he could be a distraction. It is your call."

This definitely something to think about. If it came to it, I had to settle it. Avoiding it was not going to work.


Jeonghwa and I returned to the dojang for another training session. I practiced my form, remembering to remain grounded and follow through. My master was awfully quiet. I expected to get a run down on what we were going to focus on, but instead she stood with her back turned in silence.

"Master Jeonghwa?" I asked.

She kept her back to me. "Hae Ri, it is time."

Why is she being so dramatic?

She then turned around and removed her outer jacket, leaving her toned arms exposed. "This will be our last sparring."

Jiji who was resting in her usual spot by the window, jumped to an empty shelf upon hearing her owner.

"So soon? I still have much to learn." I said with a worried tone.

"You will learn what you need to-- on your journey. You have gotten too comfortable here, it is a race you are in. There is no time to lose." She readied her hands. "Now, let us make this fight a good one."

Her words saddened me, but she was right. As much as I enjoyed my time with her, I needed to continue my search. I nodded and readied my hands.

She charged and made a right hook, which I blocked with my left forearm. The contact with the bracelet sent a vibration up my arm. I stepped forward and made a charged palm strike. She evaded the attack by pivoting on her right leg.

Since I missed my attack, I was vulnerable. She landed a kick to my side. It made me stagger but I quickly regained my balance. Jeonghwa jumped into another kick which I blocked. Then, with swiftness, I made two energy strikes. They were forceful and fast.

Master Jeonghwa maneuvered around them with ease. She then got low and swiped at my feet with her legs. I managed to jump at the right time. Not a second later she made a roundhouse kick that I avoided with a side step.

She was a woman of agility and speed. In the blink of an eye she could make multiple strikes to different parts of the body. This would make anybody want try to also do the same, but that would be a wrong move. Whenever someone makes a fury of attacks, one should actually refrain from attacking and wait for an opening. Usually the person would tire after a while, but not Jeonghwa.

I remained calm and blocked and dodged her attacks. There then came a point where she made a strike and tried to push me off balance. Our arms were locked. We tried to overpower each other. She was strong, but I was able to withstand the pressure. We then broke our hold on each other, both of us staggering back from the force.

Jeonghwa charged at me again, with her right arm pulled back. This hit was going to be powerful. I was not in the position to dodge, so I did the only thing I could do. I countered it with a charged energy blast. The purple crescent shot out wide like a wall. It was unavoidable and Jeonghwa was forced back. She did not fall, but the strike had impact.

She rose, but instead of getting back into stance, she simply stood. A soft smile formed across her lips. "You are ready."


The next morning I bought some essentials before securing a ride out of the city. Jeonghwa and Jiji came to see me off.

I bowed before my master. "Thank you for everything."

She nodded. "It was a pleasure. And thank you." There was an airiness to her voice as she spoke. She cleared her throat and her voice went back to its strong tone. "I enjoyed teaching again. Now, be careful out there. You must come back and tell us all about your journey. Isn't that right Jiji?"

I bent down and reached my hand out to the cat. She was also to thank, without her I would have never met Jeonghwa.

Jiji slowly left her owner's side and nuzzled into my hand. It seemed she had took a liking to me after all.

I boarded the wagon and waved to the pair. It was good bye for now, not forever.

We will meet again. I promise.

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