☼ Chapter Eight ~ Aurora ☼

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Her feet dug into the carpet of the room as she paced.

"Lay down, already! You're giving me anxiety," mumbled another Acolyte. Aurora had almost forgotten she was in the House. She murmured an apology and collapsed, white bedsheets crumpling around her. Diurne was her friend! Her girlfriend, now. Aurora knew she should trust her, but now she was alone, doing who knows what out in who knows where looking for who knows who-

She took a deep breath.

Diurne was safe. She could take care of herself out there. Sol would watch over her.

Aurora curled into a ball, hands covering her head. What if Sol decided to strike Diurne down for her heresy?

She needed to see Asa.

Aurora stood up again, quietly as she could. She made her way through the dormitory to the spot, pressed into a shadowed and cramped corner, Asa lay, eyes closed. Aurora knelt, casting glances around to make sure no one woke up. "Asa!"

Asa didn't make a sound, but her finger twitched. "I know you're awake. I need to talk to you!" One eye slid open. "What is it?" muttered Asa.

Aurora reached out a hand and beckoned for her to follow. Not looking back, she slipped outside and tiptoed to the empty kitchen. She turned around to see Asa leaning against the doorframe, the light playing eerily off her coal black skin. Asa looked at her with pursed lips and frowning eyes.

"Well?" The forced politeness in her voice took Aurora aback. "I just wanted to ask you if... well, if you could... explain."

Asa frowned. Aurora could see the question forming on the tip of her tongue. "What is She like? Why do you follow Her instead, even though it would be so much easier for you to bite your tongue and take the vows?" Will she protect Diurne?

It was Asa's turn to be stunned. "You really want to know?"

Aurora nodded. "Yes." For Diurne, she thought. Asa actually smiled, but it was quickly lost to thought.

"Well, I suppose... It's like moonlight, like... like a lullaby, in a way. Soothing and sweet, and so so gentle. But also awakening in a way, like..." She shook her head. "It's hard to explain. Wild but serene, gentle but uncompromising, hope and sorrow, organized chaos and love and vengeance. A sister and a friend and a mother and more - so many words, but so hard to explain Her song."

Asa smiled and her deep brown eyes met Aurora's golden ones. "What about for you? What is Sol like?"

Aurora responded instantly. "A father and a brother, a General and a Priest, a healer and a soldier- He is the warmth of sunlight and the pain of a burn and He is the brightness that blinds and blocks out the stars and the light that gives plants the strength to grow. He is-" she stopped, laughing. "You're right. It's so hard to explain, but I think I understand."

Asa nodded. "So you really aren't going to tell me I'm wrong?" Aurora grinned. "Of course not!" she said. And then she remembered.


Asa frowned. "What about her?" Aurora backed away, eyes wide. "She's alone. She's out there, on her own, and-" she let out a gasping sob and sank into a chair. Asa stepped forwards and placed an ebony hand on Aurora's shoulder. "I know."

Aurora looked up. "How?" she asked, wiping a tear away. Asa shrugged. "You came in here looking like someone set fire to your cat, but wouldn't talk about it. I figured something had gone bad between you two." Aurora's sobs only increased in volume. "Ssssh!" Asa cried. "You'll wake the others!"

She fought to get her sniffling under control. "I have to find her! I have to help her! What if she gets lost, or hurt, or starves, or they won't let her back in."

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