☼ Chapter Forty-Two ~ Aurora ☼

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They gave Emmie her last rites on the night of the dark moon, when no moon nor sun appeared and only the stars shed light to guide Emmie's spirit to the otherworld. Nocturne had anointed her body with oils and placed an electrum obol on her tongue, chanting the traditional rites with a voice dusty with grief.

Aurora had offered to help her, but the Priestess of Luna refused. "I can't... She was one of our people, not yours. It's... It's my responsibility. I have to care for her. I have to ensure she has safe travel to Aster's realm. Not you. This is not your burden."

She had been sceptical, but she let the matter drop. Nocturne was right in that it was her responsibility, but Aurora's help would not have weakened the rituals. Still, Aurora knew Nocturne needed to mourn in her own way, and the solitary performance of her duties was a comfort to her.

Besides, Emmie was not the only warrior that had fallen on that fateful day.

Nocturne also tended to those guardians of Artemis who had fallen, placing them in their high beds with a copper coin on their tongues or in their hands, as some did request.

Aurora, in turn, had many to care for, including some who had been their attackers. Many had even called for them to be denied the ancient rites. She had considered doing so, but ultimately decided against it. Nocturne would never forgive her, and more importantly, she would never forgive herself. They were, however, given a simple and cheap metal-leaf tablet inscribed with their crimes and the request from her and Nocturne for them to be allowed easy passage across the rivers and mountains that barred the way to Death.

The bodies were brought to rest in the same house, outside of both cities, on ground sacred to the lost Aster above all. Emmie's body crowned the room, and other bodies lay on high beds, surrounded by flowers and covered in embroidered grey shrouds.

The sheer amount of people gathered in this one place was massive. The sound of whispers and muffled sobbing filled the chamber. Mourners wailed and clutched at their hair, clawing at their faces. Family and friends recounted tales of their lost loved ones to each other, often breaking off mid-word when the tears became too much. Grey-clad musicians played ethereal songs of transcendence and loss.

The air was heavy, thick with tears and perfume. Aurora glided across the room, face covered by the veil of her ceremonial mourning outfit of grey and white. She scanned the chamber for Nocturne and found her exactly where she expected to find her. At Emmie's side.

Nocturne stood frozen as if in time. No one came near her. No stories were told to her or by her, no comforters came to sympathize. It was as if they all knew no one could reach her, not now, perhaps not ever. No one but Aurora, at least, or so she hoped.

Aurora stepped up the twelve low marble steps to stand next to Nocturne. She said nothing, for a moment. She just tried to keep her eyes away from the grey cloth and her mind far from thoughts of what lay beneath.

What does Nocturne need from me? Aurora asked herself.

She reached out and brushed her fingers across Nocturne's hand, offering her hand like an olive branch or a stick to one trapped in quicksand. Nocturne grabbed it with surprising strength.

Aurora looked at Nocturne. "Nocturne..." She paused, not sure what to say or if to speak at all.

"Nocturne, it's okay. It's okay to cry, it's okay to feel as if you have no tears left in you. You not only lost a friend, but you watched her die in front of you. More than that, she died to save you. To save us. And you've never really gotten a chance to recover from that."

Aurora took a deep breath, a tear burning its way down her cheek.

"Just... Just know I'm here for you. We're here for you." Her voice was quiet. She wasn't even sure if Nocturne could hear her. All she was sure of was that she'd be here. Always. Always she would be there for her, always she'd care for her. No matter what.

Nocturne turned. Aurora could see her pale face through her black veil, afraid and broken under the strain of being strong. "Hey," she murmured softly. "Let's go somewhere quieter." Somewhere where the air doesn't smell of death, Aurora thought to herself.

Nocturne only nodded dully and allowed Aurora to lead her outside and to a small and sheltered grove, far away from the graveyard and mortuary. They sat down together on the soft earth, heedless of their dresses. Clothes could be cleaned and mended. People were harder. As could be evidenced by Arun.

They had offered to let him come- under supervision, of course. He'd stayed for about five minutes, touching the shrouds of every person he'd led to die and just staring down at the place Emmie lay, covered in a grey cloth embroidered with stars and branches. And then he'd left. Only two words escaped his heavy heart the entire time they'd been there.

"I'm sorry,"

Aurora sighed and lifted her veil, leaning into Nocturne and wrapping an arm around her waist. Nocturne did the same, burying her face into Aurora's shoulder.

They sat like that for some time, never speaking but fully speaking. By the time Asa and Aelius came and found them, they were asleep in each other's arms.

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