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Chloe's POV

I was awakened by Mrs. Gatewood the orphanage owner. She said "get ready today is adoption day!" I mumble "ok" I hear someone walk in I look up and see Grace she says excitedly "c'mon its adoption day!" again I mumble out an "ok". She picks me up out of bed and sits me on her hip she walks over to my closet which has about 4 outfits in it she says, "well um let's see here... ah-hah! here we go!" (I tried to put a picture but it was being wack so on my computer the picture doesn't show up but it does on y phone so let me know if you can see it sorry.) She held up a pink jumpsuit (if you can't see) and a matching blush pink hair bow. She helped me get dressed and put hair up half-up-half down with the bow in the middle (does that make sense) She picked me back up and walked downstairs. Mrs. Gatewood said, "there you are!" she then said, "you can go sit at the activity table until your time" I gave a little nod before I walked over there I heard people walk in I looked over to see a shortish girl with dark hair and a tall guy also with dark hair. They looked at me and I looked away as fast as possible. They smiled and walked up to the front desk and talked to Mrs. Gatewood she then called over the intercom thing "3 through 6 line up" I was a little confused because there were only about 10 of us. I walked up slowly and shyly. I stood at the end of the line because I was the youngest. The people came over to me and I got kind of nervous. The guy kneeled so we were eye-to-eye he said "how would you like it if we adopted you" my eyes lit up I let out a small smile I looked up at the girl and she looked at me and smiled. I smiled and nodded my head. The guy said "well I'm Thomas" you looked at him and smiled then the girl spoke "and I'm Mia" you smiled at her too. Then Mrs. Gatewood said sweetie go pack your stuff" she looked over at Grace and she walked over to me and picked me up. She walked upstairs into my room. She pulled out a backpack and started putting my very few outfits in. She then said "go get your blanky and I'll take you back downstairs" "ok" I walk over to my bed and grab my polka dot blanket and walk well wobble downstairs I feel someone pick me up and see it's the guy his name was Tommy or something. He sets me down at the bottom of the stairs grace hands him my bag and kisses me on the head she says "be good" I say "ok". I hug her and say goodbye then I grab my new mommy and daddy's hands and we walked out to a fancy looking car. My mommy strapped me into a pink car seat and got in the front.

As we started driving I asked "are you m new mommy and daddy?" my daddy turned around and looked at me and said "squirt we are your new mommy and daddy and we are gonna treat you like a queen" you smiled at him and your mommy says "we are going to love your forever and ever promise." smile at her.


soooooo this is kinda long sorry I hope you like it. leave any opinions you have I should have maybe one more up tonight but defiantly tomorrow

Adopted by Mia and ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now