meeting the peeps

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Thomas POV

We were just pulling up to the house and she was still asleep I got out of the driver side and opened the back door of the car and unbuckled Chloe. I picked her up and sat her on my hip she was still asleep Mia got her stuff and we started walking up to the house. I felt her move a little bit I looked at her and she was awake I said, " hey squirt we're here" she mumbled "owk" and set her head back on my shoulder and said a little louder "thwis is a bwig howse" I kinda chuckled and said "yeah it is we live with some other people are you ok with that?" she half nodded. We started walking up to the front door when I felt her lift her head off my shoulder and she said, " are they gonna like me?" I said "they're gonna love you squirt" I kinda tickled her stomach she laughed and returned to her position on my shoulder. We walked into the houe and people where scattered every where Nick was making a tiktok in the kitchen, and Ryland was stealing the white claws from the kitchen, Jaden and Josh were over in the pool along with a lot of others Nikita was twerking and James (Charles) sing the song. I looked over at Chloe and she looked a little frightened by all of the screaming and people. Mia looked at me and gave a worried-ish look. Tayler and Kelliane saw us first they were filming in the front room. Kelliane came over first and said to Chloe " hi there cutie whats your name?" she looked at me and I nodded she then spoke "H-hi I'm Ch-chloe" Tayler had walked over and he said "well hello I'm Tayler" she kinda waved at him. Kouvr then walked in and said "whats happening" then she saw Chloe "omg hii ur so cute I'm Kouvr" Mia said "this is Chloe" she then motioned for Chloe to wave or say hi "hi Koubr" she said I could see Kouvr's heart melt. "ALEX, BUBS COME HERE!" I could feel Chloe kinda flinch Alex comes down the stairs camera in hand. Kouvr says "put the camera away this is actually important." "ok jeez" he then realized "hi so whats your name" "Chwoe" "hi Chloe" I set Chloe down on the ground and she stayed pretty close to me and Mia I whispered in Chloe's ear "do you wanna meet the others" she whispered kinda loudly "theres MORE?" I chuckled "yeah lets go see who's outside" she went along with it but first she said "can I have a shoulder ride?" "why not" I lifted her onto my shoulders and we walked outside. Olivia and Kio saw us first they stopped they're tiktok with Josh and Jaden and Olivia ran over to us Kio fast walked Josh and Jaden were confused until they saw where Olivia and Kio went. They hopped out of the pool and dried of really quickly while they where doing that Olivia and Kio were practically fan girling over Chloe, she was giggling and smiling. Josh and Jaden came over once they were dry and I set her down again and she ran to Jaden he picked her up and lifted her in the air then set her on his hip she looked up at him and smiled really big he looked at her and smiled then smirked she was kinda confused the he threw her really high in the air caught her and started tickling her she was laughing really hard I looked at Mia who had followed us out here and said "I think they like each other" she laughed. We walked downstairs Chloe still in Jaden's arms we went to Calvin and Pattys room. They were practically beating each other up Chloe looked weirded out.

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