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"Oh god May already left for her trip, all of us are leaving for a month, who can take care of Peter?" A panicking Tony Stark was pacing around. "Who can we trust to take care of a Spider-Teen?"

"Tony... I might know someone." Natasha spoke up.

Tony turned to her. "Can we trust them? I mean, this is Peter. Spider-Man. He needs people he can trust and such."

Natasha shared a glance with Clint, who immediately got who she was thinking. He smirked. "Oh yeah, he'll be good."

"I don't trust you. Tell me, Romanoff. Who can we send Peter to?"

"Remember Phil Coulson?"

"The guy that Loki killed? Yeah." Tony answered.

"Well he's alive. He's now the Director of SHIELD, and he has a base somewhere classified. Peter can stay there."

Natasha's sentence caught the attention of the others. "So, Coulson never died?" Steve clarified.

"He did. Fury brought him back."

Steve sighed. "It's SHIELD, why am I even surprised."

"I guess we can send Peter there... Peter how do you feel? Staying with super spies and in a secret base?" Tony asked the (his) kid.

"Really, Mr Stark? I get to stay with super spies like Aunty Nat in a secret base for 3 months?" Peter gasped. "Yay!"

Natasha smirked. "Well I better call Mel then."

She took out her phone, dialed a number, and brought it to her ear.

"Tasha. You only call if there's something you want me to do." Melinda's voice came over the phone.

"Yep. Heard of Spider-Man?"

"The man in a red and blue spandex swinging around New York?"

"That's him. His aunt left for a lengthy vacation, and he's suppose to stay with us. But we,"

"We, as in the Avengers!" Clint interrupted, yelling into the phone.

Natasha smacked him before continuing, "But we can't."

"Because Fury sent you on a mission despite the fact that he isn't the Director anymore?" Melinda asked.

"Yes. You guys can take the kid in?"

"One thing. How old is this kid really."

"15." Clint snatched the phone away. "Hey Mel how are you?"

"I'm sending Bobbi with a Quinjet." Melinda responded before hanging up.

"Rude." Clint muttered at the same time Natasha smacked him again. "Ow!"

"Peter!" Natasha called. "You ready to go?"

"Are they nice, Aunty Nat?" Peter tilted his head.

"Well, according to what Melinda told me, they are a nice team. Friendly. But I suggest you keep away from Melinda for a while. She has... A bit of a situation with kids, according to what I know about Bahrain and what Coulson told me." Natasha advised.

"What about school?"

"Kid, you'll be fine. Yeah?" Natasha comforted.

At that moment, FRIDAY announced, "The Quinjet meant for Peter has arrived."

Tony ruffled his kid's hair and grabbed his bag. "C'mon kid. Let's go shall we?"

At the landing pad

The QuinJet arrived not long later, and Bobbi exited the plane with Hunter in tow.

"Tasha!" Bobbi grinned and hugged the Russian Assassin.

"Hey Bobbi. How you and Hunter?" Clint asked.

"Well, we are shagging on a daily basis, I'll say we're good." The British commented.

"What the fuck there's a kid here whoever-you-are." Tony glared. "Seriously Nat? This is the company you're sending Peter into?"

Bobbi smacked Hunter. "Hunter you shut up now."

Hunter raised his hands in surrender. "Yes Ma'am."

Hunter was kind of forced to help Peter put his stuff into the Quinjet, despite the kid's constant, "Mr Hunter, it's fine, I can carry my own things. Mr Hunter really it's fine."

Bobbi and Nat shared another hug, and the former also gave Clint goodbye hug. With that, the trio took off.

Peter flopped onto the co-pilot seat and stared in awe at all the controls. Sure, he's been in a Quinjet before, just Tony never let him sit there before.

"Ms Bobbi? Can you teach me how to fly a Quinjet?" Peter asked softly.

"Sure Peter. But will your Dad allow it?" At Peter's confused face, she clarified. "Tony."

Peter blushed. "No, no. Mr Stark, Mr Stark isn't my Dad Ms Bobbi. He's just my mentor."

Bobbi smirked. "If you say so Peter. And yeah, I can teach you how to fly."

At the playground

"Guys, this is Peter. Peter, this is the team." Bobbi said.

Peter waved shyly. "Hi, I'm Peter."

"Hi Peter. I'm Phil Coulson, you can call me Coulson if you want. That's May,"

"My Aunt is called May too!"

"Well her first name is Melinda but we call her May. That's Daisy, Lincoln, Fitzsimmons, Mack, Yo-Yo and you've met Bobbi and Hunter." As Coulson introduced each other, said person made some sort of acknowledgement.

When "Fitzsimmons" was called, this was what happened.

"Fitz." She said, pointing at him.

"Simmons." He responded, pointing at her. "I'm engineering, she's... Biochem."

"You guys are scientist?" Peter's eyes lit up. "So cool! Do you have a lab? Can I enter the lab? Mr Stark wouldn't let me go into a lab without adult supervision, he says it's dangerous, but then he gave me my own lab last year which is totally weird and I'm rambling aren't I." Peter stopped awkwardly.

With his super hearing, Peter heard Simmons whisper, "He's so cute!"

"Yeah I agree but a monkey-"

"Oh Fitz!"

Peter blushed. Thanks a lot, super hearing.

Daisy picked up Peter's things, but he gently took it from her. "So, um, do I have a room or something?"

[2021 Update! This book has been completed, re-edited and republished! Most plots stay the same, only minor grammar edits will be done! Enjoy! - Author]

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