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Today was Father's Day. And... I may or may not see Mr Stark as my Dad.

I honestly didn't know which country they were in, but I also didn't care, so at 5 am in the morning I called him.

"Peter why are you calling me at 3 am in the morning?" Came Mr Stark's sleepy voice.

"Hey Mr Stark!" I chirped. "Sorry for waking you up but um..." I suddenly felt very awkward and just blurted it out. "Happy Father's Day Mr Stark!" I then immediately hung up, panicking.

2 hours later, Daisy banged on my door. "Peter wake up!" She screamed. "May's gonna bring the Zephyr for a flight and I've decided that we are doing skydiving!"

"Wha-?" I opened the door and poked my head out. "What? Skydiving? Really?"

"Yup!" Daisy grinned enthusiastically, grabbed my arm and dragged me to the hangar.

"Won't Peter just like catch himself or something?" Bobbi asked.

"Oh... That's gonna take the fun out of it!" Daisy exclaimed, turning to me. "Pete can you control it? Try not to fly?"

"Um... Okay?" I agreed, still confused.

"If you guys really wanna do this shit, wheels up in 5." May called out.

Together, Daisy, Hunter, Bobbi and I climbed onto the Zephyr after May.

"Have you guys all jumped before?" I asked. It was kinda obvious I guess but I was being stupid so I asked.

"Yep. You?"

I shook my head. "Mr Stark wouldn't let me."

"Speaking of Tony, did you wish him Happy Father's Day?" Bobbi questioned.

"What?" I blinked. "I mean, yes?"

"You wished Stark a Happy Father's Day?" Daisy seemed surprised. "I thought he was just a mentor or something."

"Nah. I agree with Bob. They are totally Father and Son material." Hunter smirked.

"Stop it." I muttered, crossing my arms and sucking my head to hide the blush.

"We've reached high enough altitude. Who's first?" May joined us at the cargo.

"Can I?" I raised my hand like a preschooler.

"Sure." Daisy grabbed a parachute and helped me on it. "I'll be behind you."

Knowing that I could fly and that Daisy was behind me calmed my slight nerves. To be honest, this is actually a bit thrilling! I just hope that instincts won't kick in and I won't suddenly fly while falling.

I took a deep breath and yelled, "THIS BITCH EMPTY, YEET!", before throwing myself off the plane. I'm pretty sure at least one of them had a mini heart attack.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as the wind hit against my face. I was nearing the altitude to open the parachute when I stopped midair. I groaned, stupid ass powers.

I tried my best to let go and fall, but to no avail, so I just zoomed back up to the plane.

"Hey." I landed. "I kinda caught myself and couldn't let go. Can I do again?"

"Sure. And next time, if you were to yell a vine, tell us in advance please."

"Okie!" I agreed, walking to the edge.

I took another deep breath, screamed, "IT'S WEDNESDAY MY DUDES!", and jumped off the plane.

"PETER BENJAMIN PARKER!" A faint shout was heard and I chuckled, flipping myself upside-down by accident.

This time, the parachute opened, but because I kinda flipped around I was tangled. "Oof." I muttered.

I wiggled out of the tight spot I was in, and spotted Daisy falling in close behind. "PETER WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE YELLING VINES!" She shouted over the wind.

"TO TELL YOU FIRST?" I screamed back.


I landed not so gracefully on the sand of someplace, and cried out, "HELP I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GET UP!"


𝖕𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 | adventures with shieldWhere stories live. Discover now