Last Day

545 23 6

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

So I planned to give the team their gifts tomorrow.

But oh shit I planned my time wrongly.

Fitz's monkey was almost done, thanks to Ned. I didn't name it, deciding to let Fitz name it himself.

I dunno if the team is suspicious of me leaving again but they should be because like, aren't they super spies?

I didn't care anyway.

I flew back to New York, thinking and thinking and thinking. I knew what to get for all of them except Lincoln, Bobbi and Simmons!!!

Once again, I left super early because I had a lot of things to do.

When I reached the Compound, it was 7.30 am. I had no idea why I was up that early but whatever.

Too early for the shops to be open, I thought. Thus, I parked myself at my mini-workshop to start carving some metal.

2 hours later, I grinned as I held up the miniature model of SHIELD 6-1-6, otherwise know as the Bus. I had seen a picture of it back at base, so I knew how to model it.

I placed the small plane in a box nearby, picked up another bit of metal and started on the next project.

Due to it being slightly more complex, I took 3 hours instead to make the Zephyr. Sadly, neither planes fly but I really didn't have the brains. Probably not anyway.

Right now it was 1.30 pm and I was starving. I picked up my phone, and gasped.

Oh crap.

28 missed calls from Daisy, 32 missed calls from Fitz, 57 missed calls from Melinda, 3000 unread messages, 56 calls from Coulson.


I called Coulson's number sheepishly, unsure of his reaction. He immediately picked up.


"Um..." I pulled the phone away, and asked the AI, "Karen, why didn't you tell me about all the missed calls and texts?"

"You have programmed me to put your phone on silent mode while working, have you forgotten?"

"Oh yeah..." I mumbled, remembering that I had indeed programmed Karen to do so after Melinda called back then.

"Um... I kinda asked Karen not to tell me if I get messages while I'm working..." My voice trailed off at the end.

"What are you doing in New York anyway, Peter? You keep disappearing early in the morning." Coulson asked.

"Uh, it's nothing Coulson. I'll be back tonight before dinner, promise. This should hopefully be my last trip anyway." I spoke.

A sigh was heard from Coulson's side. "If you die and Stark kills me, I w-"

"But won't you come back to life like you always do?"

He hung up.


I quickly bought a recording set for Daisy so I was hoping she may go back to recording. Even if she doesn't... Oh well.

Next, I went to a shop that sells really good engineering sets. Ever since Mr Stark gave me a credit card, as much as I hate to spend so much, I couldn't resist and bought some for myself.

Mack's toolbox and stuffs were old. Old and some weren't working as good as it was. I do not know why he hasn't gotten a new one so I got it for him.

THIS IS A JOKE, OKAY? Hunter always joking about beers and stuff.

So under Mr Stark's name, I ordered a carton of beers for the man.

It was kinda illegal but to be honest, I didn't know how to feel about it.

I headed back to my workshop and picked up a watch. Smiling softly, I placed it in those watch boxes. That used to be Uncle Ben's.

There was also another watch. Well, a walkie-talkie wristwatch. I found it the other day and it was really surprising, seeing as they only made 20.

It was semi-broken, still fixable. I am definitely not a watchmaker or whatever that's called but I can figure it out.

I hope.


"Damnit!" I mumbled, setting the watch aside. It was 3pm now, and as I was siting upside-down on the ceiling, I had an idea of what to do for Bobbi.

Aunt Tasha had a pair of old batons she gave to me, and I knew how much Bobbi likes using them. Her baton comes with magnetic thingy (whatsit called-) as well as electric shock.

I found the power of electricity in the new batons I fixed, as well as installed a grappling hook in it. I hope she likes the upgrade.

𝖕𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 | adventures with shieldWhere stories live. Discover now