Love Triangle

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Elain shifted in the bed and reached out for Azriel. She was surprised to be greeted by sheets and pillows. She realized they were still warm, and could hear the movement of plates just outside the door.
She sat up and smiled as Azriel walked in with a tray of eggs and toast. He entered placing a kiss on her forehead. She smiled and rubbed the sleep away from her eyes. He placed the tray on the bed and sat on the opposite side.
She frowned and crawled over into his lap nestling her head in the crook of his neck, and closed her eyes. The scent soothed her, he wrapped himself around her and nuzzled her with the tip of his nose, "Rise and shine."
He kissed her closed-lids, they fluttered open. He was already dressed in his Illyrian leathers, but his hair was still unfixed. She smiled at the sight, his hazel eyes warm and he had a soft smile that only Elain seemed to ever see.
She ran her hands through the dark strands, he leaned into the touch but a muscle flickered in his jaw. "What's wrong?" He shook his head, "Nothing it's just," She kissed the corners of his mouth and gave him a reassuring smile, "Together." She reminded him.
"Lucien is back." She froze for a moment.
Sh*t. This isn't good. Elain had told Lucien that she'd give him a chance but, she feared how he would react when he found out she was with Azriel.
A look of dread and pain shone in him, although it was well hidden Elain could see through the mask. He must've remembered that detail as well.
"I'm yours." She brushed her hand down his neck,
"I know you'll probably be a bit defensive with being mated but," She laughed at the arched brow that seemed to imply he would likely be more than just defensive.
Elain remembered that Feyre told her the power the male had was relative to how long they would be in the territorial state. "We'll get through it." It had taken a long time to reassure him that he was indeed what she wanted. She prayed he wouldn't forget her choice today.
They ate their breakfast silently and she put on the clothes that Feyre apparently dropped off for her earlier that morning.
They flew off to the house of wind and were immediately greeted by Lucien. He ran down the steps and hugged her briefly and left his hands on her shoulders, "Elain! It's so good to see you!"
So he was in a good mood then.
She noticed Azriel's slight step closer and she shrugged off his hands. "It's good to see you too Lucien." She gave him a sweet smile, he finally seemed to notice Azriel's presence and gave him a small nod of recognition. She felt Az tense as Lucien's eyes scanned over her.
"You look lovely as usual." She blushed slightly and stepped towards the House of Wind. The rest of the inner circle was already gathered in the meeting room as they entered.
Lucien sat to her left while Azriel sat on her other side. I'm here, and I'm yours. She told him through the tattooed bond they recently created. A half sun made of roses now imprinted on her left hip, which was the opposite half of the half-moon that was hidden under Azriel's Illyrian leathers. She gazed towards the shoulder in which that tattoo existed, silently reminding him of its significance. He was still tense but his eyes softened- slightly.
The meeting was mainly to discuss foreign trade agreements and what Lucien had discovered in the mortal lands. It went by quickly for Elain, but she doubted Azriel didn't notice Lucien's gaze stick to her for the majority of the meeting.
It ended and everyone went their separate ways, Cassian and Rhysand giving what seemed to be supportive looks to their brother. Az only glared at them in response.
The inner-circle was aware they were mated but Lucien was not. Azriel and Lucien trailed behind her as she entered the garden. She took a seat by the tree and Azriel wisely hid under the shadows of it as Lucien took a spot next to her.
"You've been gone a while." She said.
"I know and I'm sorry." He placed a hand on top of hers and it took all her effort not to flinch away.
"But I'm here now and," His eyes were filled with hopefulness,
"I want to stay here with you, Elain." She blinked,
Wait- for what?
"I haven't been able to get you off my mind and, I think I'm finally ready to settle down." He seemed to come closer-just slightly as if in question. "Only if you'll accept me." She felt her heartache. This was likely torture for Azriel. "I- What?" She smiled awkwardly but he must've seen that as a response because he leaned in to kiss her.
Their mouths were less than an inch apart before Lucien was on the floor, Azriel grounding him down. "What the f*ck!" Lucien struggled under Az and made an attempt to flip over. It only left him with his face in the dirt.
Elain saw a glimpse of Azriel's face, it was a cold primness she had never seen before.
Stop. Please.
He hesitantly took a spot beside her, she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Lucien got up, and hastily brushed the dirt off of his clothes, he looked between them and must've seen the connection.
A similar fire now blazed in Lucien's eyes. His laugh was cold and dark,
"So Mor rejected you after all? Must suck to have liked someone for that long just to realize you never stood a chance." Surprisingly Azriel was virtually unaffected by the remark.
"Then, you steal my mate? I wonder what kind of shadow magic you used to convince her that a sadist would make a good lover."
She felt the words hit their mark. Those hazel eyes were filled with an emotion Elain couldn't describe, it was a mix of hurt, fear, and that iced predator that seemed to be apparent in both of their deadly stares.
"Okay, stop," Elain said, placing herself between the two.
"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner." Lucien stared at her in shock that quickly melted into fury as he locked eyes with the shadowsinger once more.
"This is your fault." He lunged towards Azriel, without thinking Elain threw herself to block the blow- a small sound came from her as she felt something within her chest crack, and again as her head hit a rock on her descent.
She didn't see what happened but she could hear the words right before she blacked out, "You're f*cking dead."

She didn't know how long she was out but it must've been a few hours at least, the moon was high in the sky. She looked over to see Feyre sitting in a stool near her bed. Feyre practically sighed with relief,
"Thank the Mother."
Elain spoke, "What happened? Where's Azriel? Is Lucien okay?"
She felt the rawness of her voice and Feyre handed her a glass of water. She hesitantly sat up and immediately regretted it as a rip of pain went through her side.
She whimpered slightly and Feyre helped her drink the water, filling her in on the details, "They're okay, a bit beaten up but no one killed each other thanks to Rhys and Cassian stepping in,"
She placed the glass on the nightstand, "Azriel is getting food, and will likely be very upset he wasn't here when you woke up." Elain nodded, "And Lucien?" Feyre grimaced slightly, "He's still being treated by Madja."
Elain covered her mouth, "Will he be alright?" Feyre nodded, "You will be too, thanks to Fae healing you will likely only need a week or two to heal rather than a few months."
The door clicked, and Azriel was at her side in an instant. Feyre kissed Elain's cheek before giving them privacy.
"I'm sorry." He seemed intact other than a few bruises and peaking bandages under his loose top. She patted the bed, and he took the spot next to her.
"What for?" He seemed to be genuinely hurt and looked as though he'd been planning what he was about to say.
"I know you're probably mad at me, and you're right, I shouldn't have done that. I understand if you've changed your mind, I should have been better, I should have been the one to receive that blow. I'm so sorry."
His eyes were glistening, she placed a hand on his.
"I'm not mad at you at all, Azriel- please look at me."
He was still staring at the floor in shame, undeniable guilt written along his features.
He slowly turned his head towards her. She could see each layer of his pain. Her heart stung to see him in that state.
"Don't be sorry, I am not mad at you, I love you and this doesn't change that." His eyes were still filled with guilt and doubt.
She squeezed his hand reassuringly and kissed the back of his palm, "I'm okay."
His face softened for a moment and then tensed once more,
"I should be the one comforting you."
He gave her a sad smile as if adding this moment to the list of times he'd failed.
She furrowed her brow disapprovingly and patted her side once more,
"Stay." He seemed surprised at her request but reluctantly laid on his side next to her.
She looked down and realized she was only in a robe and had bandages wrapped around most of her torso. He cringed slightly as she poked at the bandages. Elain winced when she poked near her lower left ribs. She heard his breath catch at her expression.
Elain looked back up at him, "I'll survive you overdramatic Illyrian."
His features finally relaxed as he lightly stroked her hair and traced the lines of her face with an idle finger.
She leaned into the touch, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead- the heat of his lips warming her, "Get some rest." So she did.

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