19. The Mirror (Miroku, Sesshomaru, Jaken)

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"Ah. Pleasure to meet you again, lake goddess."

Reclining on the grass with a new set of wounds was the Buddhist monk who had visited Shiho days prior; now bringing a company of a woman around her age. When Shiho came to kneel beside them, he addressed nonchalantly: "see, Sango. This is where those samurais had their wounds healed."

"Think you deserve the same treatment after what you've done to Sesshomaru-sama?" Jaken yapped, stomping his feet several times. Shiho glanced back to the tree where she had left the lord in question - but he's no longer there.

"Let me remind you. One; Sesshomaru-sama could make a dog food out of you but he's merciful enough not to. Two; we're not under some sort of obligation to fulfill your needs, and three; if anyone is under such sort of obligation, it's you - you owe Sesshomaru-sama big time from all the trouble you've caused! Now if you can please leave us alone, thank you, good bye!"

"Us?" The girl named Sango chimed in. "Wait, Miroku. So the lake goddess is with..?"

If the look on her face showed anymore turmoil, it would have been the precise copy of what Shiho had put up. They seemed to know each other a little bit too much to just be mere acquaintances. Were they enemies?

Adamant still, both the imp and Sango began to fire their replies hurriedly. "No, wait - what are you even doing here? Where's your lord?" "What good does it do for you to know? Get your arse out of here!" "We're not here to see you, we didn't even know the lake goddess is-" "She's not helping you either way, so stop-"

"Now, now. Shouldn't it be the lady's call?" the monk then defended while seemingly devoid of actual care for this quarrel. Shiho would agree on this mostly because the man himself was more worthy of concern. Apart from the fresh cuts on his arm, parts of his body seemed to exude something else: a heavy, pulling, brooding aura.. which couldn't be good.

"If you could please kindly help me.. maybe after we're done, we can resume from where we left off," he alluded like a little boy.

"And where would that be?"

"Why, about my request for you to bear my child, of course."

..is he really a monk, or is it just a front for something much more similar to Chokyukai?

Upon his rub on her bum, another forbidding presence could be felt radiating off from Sango; the daunting pulse heavily mimicked the one that came from behind Shiho. "Ah-"

"Sesshomaru-sama, you're here!" his vassal hailed in surprise

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"Sesshomaru-sama, you're here!" his vassal hailed in surprise. Sure enough, he had inserted himself into the scene like a looming ghost. That bored look wasn't any more welcoming than Jaken's, though. "I don't even know where to begin with these two nutcase! Should I ward them off from your sight?!"

After a particularly austere look towards the monk, he asked, "where is Inuyasha?"

"He's in an ordeal, Sesshomaru. I suggest you take a break from your brotherly affair."

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