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Name: Sajhar Silyohnova

Universe Created For: DC

Species: Human

Abilities: Wolf given powers(it depends on which one is giving her their power at the time)

Ethnicity: Russian-South Pacific Islander

Birthdate: February 14

Age: 13

Sexuality: Unknown

Hair: Black w/ grey streaks, short and naturally messy but wavey, sticks up all over the places, side bangs on the left that fall just above the eye

Eyes: Hazel

Skin tone: Islander tan

Body build: small chest, medium sized butt and thighs along with some slight chubb on her stomach and a slightly heart shaped face

Height: 5'0"(1.52 meters)

Weight: 119 lbs(53.9 kg)

Family: Blaize(rust colored wolf w/ fire based abilities), Auqafina(blueish-grey colored wolf w/ water based abilities), Evergreen(Greenish-brown colored wolf w/ Plant based abilities), Glider(purpleish-black colored wolf w/ wind based abilities), Gregorovich Silyohnova(father(Russian(deceased))), Lanu'ese'ese Natia Tamari(mother(South Pacific Islander(deceased)))

Job: occasional vigilante

Likes: Being a vigilante, her wolves, singing

Dislikes: Being homeless, authority, people who judge her on her age

Clothing type:
Regular: Big worn brown jacket with many pockets, a sweater(brown, white, grey or black), grey jeans, black vans.

Vigilante: Red cropped sweat shirt w/ hood w/ the words 'God Is A Woman' in black and black draw strings, black full face mask w/ red eye spots and red lines going down the face like tears as well as a four colored eye in the center of the mask, black muscle shirt, black skin-tight yoga pants w/ red outlines, black shoes w/ red laces, and black gloves w/ red outlines

Languages: Samoan, Russian, and English. She is perfectly fluent in Samoan as it was her first language. She is fluent in Russian, though she does mistake words and pronunciations sometimes. She can speak and understand English, though she often becomes confused with some of their words, but she cannot read or write in it.

Backstory: She was born in Samoa to Lanu'ese'ese, her mother, and Gregorovich, her father. When she was 6, her father died of brain cancer and her mother moved them to America to get a fresh start. They went to Gotham, but her mother couldn't afford a place to live, and didn't know much English at all so it was difficult to find a job. She didn't go to school. When she turned 10, there was a fire in a building and her mother attempted to find and help the people out of the building, but died in the process of getting a little boy out of the building when it collapsed on the two and she took the brunt of the damage. Upon her mothers death, Sajhar ran off to be alone. She eventually found wolves. They were apparently not wolves, but alien refugees from a planet called Raggog, who were gifted with different aspects of nature. They bonded with her, a special form of connection, tying together their thoughts and emotions. Bonded ones share their abilities between however many are in the Bond, giving Sajhar the abilities that they have. With the abilities she is able to protect herself and others. When she was 11, she became a vigilante, helping to stop crime in Gotham from the shadows and save people like her mother had tried to do. She lives in a warehouse, and this is where her main base of operations is, along with the 'wolves' having acquired things for easier living over her years on the streets.

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