𝓐𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓴࿐

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Name: Avery Mink 'A'Vey L'Nale'

Universe Created For: DC

Species: Half Alien

Abilities: Heightened strength, hearing, sight, and smell, probability outcome(he can see the most probable immediate outcome to situations that he is in), under water breathing and durability(His mother is from the planet Neptune which doesn't have an actual surface but is made out of liquids and gas)

Ethnicity: Korean-American-Alien

Birthdate: December 31 - January 1

Age: 16(The average lifespan of a Neptunite is 750 years. With his mixed blood, he is more likely to live to be 375 instead)

Sexuallity: Asexual, Panromantic

Hair: Inky black, side swooped

Eyes: Black

Skin tone: pale and clear of all markings

Body build: tall and stocky with a bit of muscles creeping out of his arms. His most distinguishing traits are black designs that run up his arms to his elbows and down his back to his mid thighs.

Height: 6'4"(1.93 meters)

Weight: 168 lbs(76.2 kg)(it's mostly muscle weight)

Family: Alexander Mink(Father), Una L'Nale(Mother(Alien)), Sheila Mink 'Sh'E'La L'Nale'(little sister), Jojo(Pet cat)

Job: Gotham Museum janitor

Likes: History, animals, football(American), his sister, his mother and his cat, cleaning

Dislikes: Working w/ others, Being told what to do, his senses, messy places

Clothing type: He can usually be found with semi long sleeved shirts on(to hide his markings, even if they can pass as tattoos) and jeans, either in the color black or the color white. His shoes are black nike sneakers.

Languages: English, French, Neptusol. He is perfectly fluent in English, as it is his first language. He's in French for his foreign language class in school. Neptusol is the language that his mother speaks and has taught to him and his sister, this is also the language his mother uses at home.

Backstory: Avery has always known that he wasn't like other people. He was born with black spider web like markings, just like his mother, and his little sister was born with them as well. On Neptune, it is the female population that runs the place, and because of this, Avery is able to cook, sew, and is more likely to clean a place if he finds it to not be clean to perfection. Avery is fine with this, he's more of a perfectionist than anything. When he was 12 he got into football and joined the team at his school. He was an instant star, able to perform perfectly with ease. When he was able to, he got a job at Gotham Museum because of his love for history. His mother owns/runs a gym(L'Nale Fitness Center(A relatively big and popular gym)) and works as a magazine model(She passes off her markings as tattoos). His father works at Lex Corp in the R&D divisions. He's always working and often ignoring his family in favor of his work, leading to a rocky relationship with Avery and Sheila. Because of his parent's work, the family is rich, coming up with a total net worth of $480,000,000 and so they have a giant house. Avery has never really cared for the money and would rather make his own way through the world, to not be associated with his parents and their money. Avery is great with little children despite his big size, able to watch after his sister easily(She's 4) when his mother is unable to. He has a rather close relationship with the maid, Margot Tudd, and sees her as a grandmother

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