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Name: Deacon Strutton

Universe Created For: DC

Species: Enhanced Human

Abilities: Web surfing(Touch any technology and access anything from it), Sonic scream

Ethnicity: White(American)

Birthdate: January 17

Age: 12

Sexuality: Unknown

Hair: Dark blonde, shaggy but short

Eyes: Blue

Skin tone: Fair skin w/ thin spray of freckles on face

Body build: Tall but otherwise average

Height: 5'10"(1.77 meters)

Weight: 125 lbs(56.6 kg)

Family: Julie Strutton ne. Anderson(mother(missing)), Unknown father, Riley Strutton(older sister(France)), Andrew Sr. Anderson(uncle(missing)), Sheana Anderson(aunt(deceased)), Barbara Anderson ne. Blackstone(Grandmother(Hawaii)), Aarin Anderson(Cousin(deceased)), Addison 'Addie' Anderson(Cousin(Captive of Cadmus)), Andrew Jr. Anderson(Cousin(Captive of Cadmus)), Eku(Pet Husky), Mara(Pet Husky), Sasha(Pet Husky)

Job: None

Likes: Red, Electronics, Safety Tests

Dislikes: Social Interaction, Reading, Reality

Clothing Type: Red hoodie, Grey shirt, Red hat, red shorts w/ black stripes, black shoes w/ white stripes

Languages: English. English is his first and only language.

Backstory: When he was little, around 9 years old, an organization came. They abducted him and his cousins, because they each had a certain gene that would allow for better experimentation on them. His sister, Riley, being 11 years older, was off at college over seas in France. Him and his cousins were experimented on, one of his cousins dying from one gone wrong. He was able to escape when he was 11, but not before being surgically enhanced for one of the experiments. These enhancements gave him the abilities to insert himself into electronics to access any information available on that device. It also gave him the ability to sonic scream, creating devastating sound waves, able to shatter up to 4 inch thick glass and burst eardrums. Now, he lives on the streets of Gotham, stealing what he needs to survive, hoping that one day, he'll be strong enough to get his cousins out of that place as well.

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