Chapter 1

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It has been a week since that happened. Since she turned into a she-demon. Mostly her school days were people calling her names, getting pushed around, people kicking her or punching her and after all of that, detention. Her new 'friends' sometimes did small talk with her but nothing much. It was like they didn't care. Sure, they were supposed to teach her how to be friendly and all but she didn't think it was real. Didn't think they would teach her. At all.

Currently, she was in a bathroom stall. Not wanting to come out of it. Her hands were on her lap, tugging onto her skirt.
'Come on Sunset, you can do this. They won't hurt you, will they?'
She sighed. 'You can do this.'

She got up, unlocking the stall's door and leaving it halfway open. She was opening the bathroom door, until..
"You know that they don't want you here."
Sunset flinched due to the sudden voice, and closed the bathroom door.
"Who's there?.." Sunset was about to check all the stalls then .. She saw something. Something in the mirror.
She went closer and saw herself but.. Something was wrong. She wasn't herself anymore. It was her demon form.

She wanted to jump back but her muscles said otherwise.
"It's nice seeing you again, Sunset Shimmer."
"Why are you here?"
"Relax Sunset, I'm just here to remind you about something."
"Like what?"
"Revenge. You can still get revenge on the Princess and her friends. You can get revenge to the people who make you feel horrible."
"They don't make me feel horrible they just-"
"Use you as a punch bag?"
Sunset couldn't argue with that. They were practically using her as something to hate on. Something to let their agner out on.
"What I'm trying to say here is that, we could rule this school again, together. You can finally get revenge on those stupid girls, who made you so miserable. So what do you say? Do you accept and not be pushed around or... be miserable your whole life?"

Sunset wasn't sure what to do. When she came up with her awnser, she looked at her demon form.

"Sorry, but I've changed. And even if they hate me, then they have a reason to." and right after finishing her sentence, she walked out of the bathroom.


Class wasn't any better. When she made it there, she saw so many glares from all of the students. She felt herself shrink, shrink from all the attention she was given.

"Ms. Shimmer? Are you alright? And why are you late for my class?" the teacher who was teaching the class and now was talking to Sunset was Ms. Cheerilee.

"Yes, I'm fine. Sorry for being late, I just needed to do something." It was a half lie, believable one actually.

"Alright, since I can't give you detention, you can go sit down."
Sunset nodded, she looked towards where her seat was and walked to it.

As she sat down, she heard whispers and snickers fill around her.
'Probably more gossiping.'

Sunset didn't bother that much and started to pay attention to the teacher.


"Hey Shimmer!"

Sunset turned around to see four students behind her.
"What do you want?" she wasn't in the mood to deal with anything.
"You know that no one likes you here, so why do you still bother to come to school when everyone clearly wants you to die?" they had a point though. No one really cared about her. Absolutely no one.

"If no one likes me and they dont care about me, then why are you talking to me?" Sunset fought back.

"Because- because we wanted to remind you that you're not needed here."
"Thats all? Kind of weak not gonna lie."
She snickered.

"We didn't come to sweet talk with you. We came here to ask you a question."
"But didn't you already ask me a question-"
"Just shut up!"
Sunset was startled from the student lashing out on her. And then, there was pain. One of them was kicking her in the stomach.

Sunset's legs felt heavy as she fell to the floor, kneeling down. She was clutching her stomach so it won't hurt that much.

Then a punch to the face. She was instantly all over the floor, her body feeling weak already. Then a kick to her back, which made tears fill her eyes.

'No, stop! You can live through this Sunset! Don't let them show that you're weak.'

She felt pain all over her body. Some cracks were heard from her. Probably bones being broken, but not severely.

Everyone was cheering on the four students.
"How was that for you, you she-demon?"
Sunset didn't reply. She felt too much pain to do anything.
"Not awnsering huh? Then let's see how the locker tastes for you." the three of them grabbed her, the other one opened the locker and the three students threw her in the locker. They locked it so she won't get out.

"See you never, monster!" and they left.
Then the bell rang. "No.. Please.. Someone help.." she cried out.

'Too much pain, I can't move..'

She slammed her head against the locker door. She felt the locker grow less from oxygen, passing out minutes after.




"She's in there!"

"It's locked."


"It's not opening!"

"Let me try."


"There, it's open now."

"Oh my- Sunset!"

"Are you okay?"

"Can you hear us?"

"Darling please wake up."

"Y'know pleadin' won't make her wake up."

"There's no time to argue. We need to tell the principles about this. But right now, let's take her to the nurse's office."

"Please be alright, Sunset."

"Please be alright, Sunset.."

"Please be alright, Sunset..."

"Please be alright, Sunset...."


A/N: oh jeez- This one was such a heck of a ride. Now I'll just waste your time on writing alot bc I want to reach to a 1000 words. Anyways, have been a lil busy but I'm really motivated on writing this book(unlike the other one). Idk if this was kind of a vent chapter or not ->-

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