Chapter 6

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Class had ended. It was time for lunch.

Sunset was the first one to rush out of the classroom to avoid any contact from anyone(because social distancing😎).

She made her way to the behind of the school to calm her nerves down. The day wasn't really bad for her, aside from all the snickers, whispers and gossips she heard during classes.

She slid down the wall to sit down and think through things on what is happening.

'Maybe now I can figure out my feelings for Twilight. But it still doesn't make sense, how come I started to love her? What even made me feel like that towards her?'

As she thought about it more, she heard footsteps coming her way. She hoped the person actually went the wrong way and would turn around, but no. She heard multiple footsteps coming her way.

'Please don't find me here, please don't find me here, please don't find me here, please don't find me-'

"Well, look who we have here." Sugar crash said to Trixie and Gilda. "It's the one and only, she-demon."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I've changed?!" Sunset shouted back.
"Well, Trixie says that you need a bigger punishment, and that's what you will get." Trixie said back.

"And now guess what time it is for you."
"..a beating.." she mumbled.
"Exactly! Except this time you'll get far worse for your 'friend' tricking us."

Sunset gulped. She didn't want to go through the pain. She wanted to run, but at the same time she wanted to fight back. She looked at Gilda's hand, it was forming a fist and she knew that she was going to punch her in the face

She quickly got up and protected herself from the punch by blocking it. Gilda was surprised, her other hand started to clench into a fist from anger and threw another punch at Sunset.

She somehow blocked that one with the palm of her hand as well. 'How the hell am I blocking her punches?!' she quickly reacted and pushed Gilda down onto the ground.

"That's it you dweeb." Gilda got up and then proceeded to kick Sunset in her shin, her eyes widening from the pain.

Sugar Crash decided to go help Gilda instead of just gawking at them and pushed Sunset against the school wall, pretty roughly.

Sunset hissed in pain, but didn't let any tears show. She slid down against the wall to the ground.

'You can do this Sunset. Try to fight them back. Don't show them that you're weak, you're stronger than this. Strong enough to fight them back.'

When Gilda was about to kick Sunset again, Sunset quickly got onto her side to avoid getting kicked. It worked amazingly as Gilda accidentally kicked the wall which made her yelp.

Trixie was still looking at the fight going on, not knowing if she should get onto the fight with them. But there was this aching inside her chest. She felt guilty for doing this, but.. Why now? Why not before when she started to be a bully to a former bully?

'Wait.. A bully to a former bully.. Why am I doing this? This isn't how I, Trixie, should be acting. I-I need to help..'

As Trixie was going to continue her long thoughts she heard a loud crash. She looked at the fight going on between the three.

Sunset was clutching onto her stomach, probably because of Sugar Crash kicking her. She was also pushed by full force to a trash container. Tears were about to fall down her cheeks but she held them back.

'Go help her! Now!'

And that's what Trixie did. She went and pushed Gilda away to the other side and kicked Sugar Crash' back, knocking her to the ground.
She then proceeded to grab Sunset by her wrists, pulling her up while also putting an arm over her so she won't fall.

"C'mon, let's get out of here before they-"
"Trixie! What the hell are you doing?! Why are you helping her?!"
Sugar Crash was yelling at Trixie and at the same time slowly getting up.

"You know what? We need to run, like right now."

Sunset nodded. They started to run back inside the school away from the two. When they got inside, they then ran into an empty hall, trying to avoid any suspicion from other students.

"Phew, that was close. Are you alright?" Trixie asked, looking at Sunset.
Sunset had turned her head away from Trixie.

Trixie tilted her head in confusion.

"Why did you save me? Why didn't you join them in beating me up? You had the chance to do it.. So why didn't you?"

Trixie felt taken back at her words. She wanted to explain herself, but didn't know how. She didn't even know why she saved her. Was it because she felt bad? Or was it because she wanted Sunset to trust her and make her feel more worse than she already felt?

"You know what? It doesn't matter. The bell will ring soon so I'm going to class.

"And don't follow me."

Sunset walked away from Trixie to go to class. Trixie wanted to stop her and explain her everything on why she saved her, but she didn't have a real excuse on why.

She sighed, seeing Sunset take a corner and leaving Trixie alone in the hallway.

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