Chapter 2 + A Distorted Nightmare

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"Gee, the gang really is all back together again."

'Wait.. Something is wrong. What's happening? This isn't what I think it is, is it?..'

"Now step aside! Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already!" 'is that me? Wait, no, no, no! This isn't happening again, is it?' she started forming a giant magic ball, holding it just above her head. 'No stop! Stupid me, don't do it!'

"She needs to be dealt with!" as she said that, she threw the ball of magic towards Twilight. Her friends quickly reacted and jumped towards Twilight's direction to protect her.

And all she could hear was her evil laughing. Her she-demon laughing.
'Stupid stop laughing or-..'

She looked back at the girls. All of them on the ground, all of them motionless. Bleeding on the ground.
'Wait.. T-This wasn't supposed to happen! Why is it happening?!'

All of a sudden everything clicked. Sunset turned back to her human self and everything around her turned black.

Sunset didn't care what just happened. She just ran to the girls.
"No.. No, no, no... What have I done? This is all my fault.." she murmured to herself.

She knelt down beside the Princess, taking her motionless body onto her lap. Sunset hugged onto Twilight. She cried, she cried as much as she could.

'Why didn't the magic save them? What went wrong...? This isn't real is it? But why can I feel them if this isn't real...' she thought to herself, cupping the Princess' cheeks. "I'm so sorry.." was all she could get out. She had Twilight's face close to her side, still not letting go.

Then, a hand was placed by the side of her cheek.

Sunset was confused but felt something move under her.
She looked up to see the Princess' face. She was smiling. 'Why is she smiling? That's the same smile she had when she..'

"Wake up Sunset."


And everything turned to complete darkness.



"Aahh!" slightly screaming, she sat up, breathing heavily. She looked around at her surroundings. 'Wait.. That was all a nightmare?'

She started rubbing her temples to drive away the headache that was about to come.

"Oh, good to see you awake, dear." Sunset looked where the voice came from. "H-Huh? What.. happened?" she looked at Nurse Redheart who wasn't actually that far from her.

"Five girls came in here saying that you were found in a locker. They didn't say much but they said you got hurt by some students."

"Where are they now?" Sunset asked. "I think they have class at the moment. They went to inform the principals about what happened before they went to class. They said they will be here when the next recess comes." Sunset nodded. She looked at both her sides, then her hands.

"Oh, and I almost forgot. Don't try to move too much. Your back is still really damaged and wounded, so try to be on your side most of the time." Sunset nodded again.

Nurse Redheart smiled and walked out.
Sunset layed back down on her side, just thinking.

'I'm really glad it wasn't real. If it was, I don't think anyone will ever forgive me for murder. But why did I feel a connection when I was near Twilight in my dream? Eh, it's probably me just overreacting.'

She started tugging onto her jacket. 'I'm so bored.'

She looked around the room, to find anything that will be fun to look at while waiting for the bell.





A loud ringing noise came.

'I'm guessing that's the bell.' Sunset sighed.
She sat up again, trying to move a little. She winced from doing that.
'Alright, back problems, forgot that.'

The door then slowly opened, revealing five girls.

"Sunset shimmer!" They all said at once.
"We're so glad you're okay." Fluttershy said, as she checked all over her.
"We are glad that you're alright, dear. But is this the first time this has happened to you?"

Confused, Sunset tilted her head. "What she means is that, is that the first time ya got bullied by those bastards?" Everyone then looked at Applejack. "What? Y'all, it ain't the first time ya hear me cussin'."

All of their focus went back to Sunset.
"I mean- I guess?"
"You... Guess? You don't even know yourself?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"Well, technically yes, it's the first time they have done it to me. But I'm fine!"
They suspiciously eyed Sunset, but it seemed like she wasn't lying, well except the 'I'm fine' part.

"If ya're fine like you say, then try to get out of that bed." Applejack said firmly.
Sunset gulped, but she had to try. She moved herself to the side of the bed.
Even moving herself hurt her. She got off the bed, everything still hurting but she tried not to show it.
"S-See? I'm f-agh- Fine.." she managed to get out.

"Then why are you stuttering?" Rainbow Dash asked, again.
"I'm.. Not.. I'm fine." She said back with confidence.

"Why do you guys care about me anyways? You're probably only caring because Twilight told you so."

Evryone stayed quiet. Sunset was half right and half wrong.

"That's what I thought.." she spoke, her voice cracking.
She took a few steps before feeling herself almost fall. For her luck, Pinkie catched her in time.
"Sunny, it may seem like we are doing this for Twilight but.." Sunset didn't want to listen, she looked somewhere else, making no eye-contact with the others.

".. We know you're not the same person as you were before." Pinkie finally finished.

Sunset got out of her grasp. And walked towards the door.

"Leave me alone... Please." she turned around after that last word. Her eyes were pleading. Tears were in the corner of her eyes, about to fall down her cheeks.

The five girls were just staring, not being able to do anything. Sunset sighed and left the room, she was still stumbling but she got used to feeling it.

'If they care about me, then they'll just get hurt because of me.'

A/N: oof sorry for my absence. I was quite busy with some work irl, which made me VERY busy. I didn't re-read this chapter so if I made mistakes, then please say if I did :). I'm really lazy atm so leave me alone Lmao.

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