Chapter 7

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Class ended. It was time for everyone to go home.

Sunset was the first to get up and exit out of the classroom first, but before she could've ran home, someone grabbed her by her wrist, not letting her go far.

"Sunset! Wait!"

Sunset took a glimpse behind her and saw.. Flash?!

'Out of all the people, why him?! He's the last person I wanted to even see today.'

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm in a hurry?!"

"I just-.. I just wanted to help you!"

"Help me on what?!"

"I wanted to help you through on what you're going through!"(what? Lmao)

Sunset stopped moving for a second before ripping her hand out of Flash' grasp.

"I'm sorry, but... You can't help." and that's when she started to run away from him as quickly as possible.

Flash extended his arm wanting Sunset to come back, but to only know she won't.


"Unlock you stupid door!" Sunset yelled at her apartment door. She had put the right keys in, but the key wouldn't turn to unlock.

After some more screaming and yelling and trying to figure out on how to open the door, she got it open. She sighed in relief to know that she could still somehow open the door.
She closed it after getting inside and locked it just in case, although anyone could even break in and trash the place.

She threw her school bag and jacket on the ground and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

She went in there, locking the bathroom and looking at the shower head.

Sunset looked down on her arm, still having those six scratches/scars from awhile ago that were slightly fading
She wasn't really proud of it, but she wanted to punish herself in a way or another even if it wasn't the best choice of punishment.

'I really do need a shower to get these thoughts out of my head. But then again, I can make more cuts on my-'

Sunset immediately shook her head and face-palmed, driving those thoughts away.

She stripped her clothes off and got in the shower.
She turned the water on, feeling the hot water hit her skin immediately.

Sunset sighed in content and let her worries wash out of her head.


Sunset finished showering and put on some new and fresher clothes for herself. She took the blow dryer, plugged it in and turned it on. Her hair started to dry pretty quickly and not long after her hair was all puffy and soft.

She turned the dryer off, unplugged it and putting it near the sink for now. She brushed her hair a bit to not leave it t o o puffed out.

She unlocked the bathroom door and got out feeling fresher than before. She walked towards her bedroom and got inside seeing all the mess she had made throughout the days.

'I'll just clean it up tommorow.'

Then she remembered that she left her phone at home and saw it on her bed.
She took her phone and sat down on her bed, unlocking her cracked phone.

Something interesting was looking straight at her. New messages from different people. But when she started reading the messages, she felt hurt.

Unknown1: "Hey she-demon. How's life going? Heard you were doing shitty as always, which sounds honestly amazing, atleast for you. Hope you'll walk off a roof.

Unknown2: "Heyho, peice of shit of a human being. Have you ever even considered taking a knife and just stabbing it to your heart? Or taken a gun to your head and just pulling the trigger to be greeted with darkness? Yeah, I hope that happens to you considering that literally everyone at school wants you to rot anyways.

Unknown3: Wow, can't believe that I still have to see your face at school.

Unknown4: Are you a she-demon? Because everytime I look at you, I roll my eyes in how pathetic you are.

The messages were continuing on an on, still being sent by some. Every single one, worse than the other. Feeling like they won't end. Feeling like they could only get worse. But every message sent to her hurt her in many ways.

Sunset made a decision. She made a decision that she will not come to school for a week. She will make up an excuse to skip school. It doesn't matter if she fakes it or not, she just wanted her own time.

She clicked to settings on her phone and put it to airplane mode so she won't get anymore new messages.

Her first instinct was throwing her phone across the room and lay down on the bed and get some good night rest.

The second one was putting her phone away and taking the razor bla-

'No! You're not that weak, you will NOT go that far. You're stronger than this.'

Even though the little voice in the back of her head, like a song kept telling her to do it.

(Warning some self harm ahead-)

She then took it, slightly still resisting this time.
She rolled up her sleeve once again and placed it on her arm. She was scared to do them. So she only resorted to doing scratches and small scars. But she needed to do more than that, she needed to do alot more. But at the same time, she didn't want to do them any deeper. She was still scared of driving out too much blood out of her arm.

She rolled up her other sleeve, she left some more small cuts or scratches, but still that wasn't enough.

'Stop! What are you doing?! This is bad for you! Stop listening to that voice and look at what you're doing! Do you think Twilight would approve of this?!'


Twilight Sparkle..

The person who wanted her friends to teach me friendship.
The person who gave me a second chance.
The person who believed in me.
The person who was my first friend. My actual friend.

This isn't me. Why am I doing this? This makes the matters worse for me and for everyone around me.

I really am weak. I have shown my weakness to myself. To everyone. I'm not strong anymore.

I wish I could go back and fix everything I've ever done. Everything that I've destroyed. All the friendships I've torn apart.

I guess they were right. The next thing I should do is....

JEEz, I think I got too depressive on this one-
I finally published another chapter so you won't have to wait and see me complain on why I'm not publishing anything ;D
But don't worry there will be 3 more chapters so I'm not done, yet ;)

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