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"Is she okay?"

"She should be. She just passed out"

"Is she hiding something from us?"

"You said she has amnesia. She probably forgot!"

"That doesn't change the situation! She hid it from us before she got amnesia!"

I opened my eyes to see MC in front of my face.

"You are awake!" She screamed and hugged me.

I looked at Saeyoung only to see his mad face.

He was obviously angry.

"What happened here?" I sat up and looked back at MC.

"He just ran away" MC smiled.

How could she smile at a time like this?

"I won't get anything from her. I am going to work on restoring the security system" Saeyoung said, walked away and put his headphones on.

I looked back at MC who gave me just "I don't know" look.

I stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait! (Y/N)! Don't leave me here!" MC shouted and took my hand.

"He is being mean" she whispered glancing at Saeyoung.

"That's normal. It's the story" I answered and walked out.

I went to my apartment and straight to the closet.

I opened it and heard a gasp escaping MC's lips.

"So much blood" she said after seconds of silence.

I took the diary and opened it. I read all through it but I found nothing about me being involved in Mint Eye.

"Why did she not tell me about me and Mint Eye? Did she expect me to find by myself or was I never supposed to meet Saeran?" I said more to myself.

"I don't know but... What if your character is a bad character? Is there that option?" MC said sounding really nervous.

"No no no! There is no way I'm a bad character! She wouldn't kill herself if she was a bad character!" I shouted slamming the book closed.

"If you say so?" MC kind of asked and came near me.

She put her hand on my shoulder making me raise my head to look into her eyes.

I've been thinking about that a lot lately but now I felt like I was right.

There was no way that she was able to write commands so fast and so real.

She didn't look like she was behind a screen.

Is she inside the game too?

Her green eyes were looking kind of dead. She was looking at me with that dead eyes, not moving.

I kept looking at her too not moving either.

She suddenly smiled and let go of my shoulder.

"Everything will be alright! I am sure you have nothing to do with Mint Eye"

"Then why did Saeran act like this? Why did he talk to me like I was his friend or whatever?!"

"It sounded more like you were his lover" she chuckled and I gave her deadly look.

"Lover? Why would...never mind"

"Why don't you try to go there and ask? They will probably answer your question" she took the diary from me and looked through it.

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