1. Ending

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A/N: This ending is made for mystic_muffin. I hope you'll like it because... You know. I don't have much experience with Mint Eye. Soo... Enjoy the first ending

I opened my eyes and sat up.

Where am I?

What happened?

It didn't matter how much I tried to remember, I didn't remember a single thing that happened after I entered the apartment where MC was.

"MC?" I suddenly shouted and stood up.

"Oh my god! Is she okay?!"

"You're awake" I heard a man's voice behind me so I turned around.

There he was. The man that wanted to kidnap MC.

My memory finally started working and I recalled his words in that apartment.

"Where am I?" I looked at Saeran and into his mint eyes.

The colour was interesting and so were his eyes. Beautiful.

"You are where you're supposed to be. Here. In paradise. With me" he walked to me.

I didn't move. I didn't need to. Something was telling me not to.

"Now you are here with me. You belong here. You belong where I am" he kept repeating.

"How long am I here?" I asked one of many questions I had in my mind. Why didn't I ask what happened to MC and Saeyoung?

"It's been some time. But don't worry, it was worth it" he said while standing few inches before me.

"Where are they?" my mind kept putting their names away.

Are they even worth it?

"I'm glad that you ask. Well.. The plan didn't work very well. A little accident happened to MC" he looked away.

"But... It didn't look like an accident at all. She fell out of the window. But like I said it didn't look like an accident. It looked more like she jumped out"

I didn't care about her anymore.

"What about that other person?" his name disappeared from my memory like someone erased it.

"Him? Don't worry about him. He won't bother us anymore" he answered.

I decided not to worry about them. She was probably dead and how Saeran talked about him. I guess he was dead as well.

"Come with me. You need to talk with the savior" he took my hand and helped me walk around.

As we walked, we walked around a mirror.

I just glanced at it noticing something weirdly beautiful.

A pair of mint green eyes.

When I looked more careful, I noticed whose those eyes were.

There she was. This girl smiling at me with beautiful mint green eyes.

It was me.

A/N: woah.. This is really short ending. I really didn't know what else to write there so it's really short. I still hope you enjoyed it.

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