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"What? Are you being self-aware?" I shouted without thinking.

"Hmm... As well as you.. Obviously" he still didn't look at me.

"Hehe... Yeah.. Like me" I looked before me.

"Being DLC character in DLC meant to end bad isn't really comfortable I guess" I froze.

So he thinks I am still the character (Y/N).

"You really don't remember anything?" he suddenly asked me and finally looked at me.

I shook my head.

"Do you think that you have it written in the code or it wasn't supposed to happen?"

How am I supposed to answer this?!

"I guess you don't know" he answered to himself after me not answering for some time.

"I'll look after her" I said and stood up. I needed to get away from this moment.

He didn't say anything so I just left.

I knew that V told me not to go outside but this was important.

I carefully walked around the whole building looking after the girl.

I was surprised when I saw her with grey shirt, black skirt and her hair tied in two ponytails.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"

"Why did you run away? And... Is your nickname really Tishi? Did you tell Seven? But you didn't tell him about me?!" I started asking her many questions that just came to my mind.

"I ran away because of... I won't answer that question. Yeah, my nickname is Tishi. Yeah, I told Seven but I didn't tell him about you... Happy?" she didn't smile.

I actually started missing her smile. Even her crazy smile.

"Tishi... Please.. Are you..do you feel bad? You can talk to me" I grabbed her shoulder which she tried to shake off.

"I want to be alone" she said and turned away from me.

"Why don't you turn the game off then?" I asked a question that was in my head for a long time.

She chuckled. It was that creepy chuckles she gave me ever time before saying something weird.

"What a weird creation you are"

"Excuse me?" I asked her looking at her with confused look. She didn't even look at me.

"How strange... Are you even a human?" she smiled to herself.

"Are you okay, Ti-MC?" I panicked mixing her nicknames together.

"I am fine" she smiled.

"I just like to scare people" she laughed and started running back toward the apartment.

"H-hey! Tishi!" I ran after her while she just kept laughing.

"My humor is really dark. I don't know why, but I really like to scare people"

I caught her still laughing.

"Let go of me!" she screamed.

I started tickling her to make her laugh more. I was happy she was okay and not hurt.

"S-stop! (Y/N)!! Tha-that is e-enough" she said between her laughs.

"Shhh! This is like a punishment for scaring me to death!" I shouted with cartoon villain voice.

"I-I am so-sorry!" she screamed again, begging for mercy.

"Fine..." I said and let her go but as soon as she tried to run again, I caught her again.

"That's unfair! Let go of me!" she screamed again with pitch high voice.

"No until you apologize" I said and started tickling her again.

"I al-already sa-said sorry!" she screamed again but I acted like I didn't hear her.

"O-okay! I am s-sorry! Ple-please for-forgive me!"

I led go of her and hugged her. She hugged me back and I didn't even notice that a tear fell from my eye.

It was almost unbelievable. I actually cared about this girl.

"(Y/N)? Are you crying?" she asked and led go of me to put her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay? Does something hurt you? You shouldn't have carry me! I am too heavy"

"It's okay, Tishi. It's not your fault. I am just happy that you are okay. That you are not hurt" I said and caught the tear that was about to escape me eye.

"I..." she suddenly choked her words.

"Why would you care about me that much? I am just a person playing a game you're trapped in. I am just person that annoys you. Why would you cry for me?" she laughed.

Her eyes were teary. I could see how she tried to smile even though she didn't feel like it.

"I.. Don't know why would you want to care about me.." she said while choking with sobs.

We hugged each other and just cried (A/n: aww ^^).

We both went to the apartment building.

As soon as we entered Tishi's apartment, she hugged Saeyoung from behind.

His eyes widened but I could see that he enjoyed her presence.

"Seven! I am sorry for yelling at you before!" she screamed while still hugging him.

He turned around and hugged her too.

I just left, leaving these two together alone.

I went into my apartment and took my diary.

For the first time, I took a pen and started writing:

Dear game (Y/N),
I am not sure if you're reading this after I left but I hope you are.

Tishi/MC is actually really nice and she is getting along with everyone. Mostly with Saeyoung.

I totally ship these two. They look sooooo adorable together!

I hope I'll get their happy ending.

Anyway, whatever happens, I am sure they'll end up together. I hope you don't mind.

(Y/N) (L/N)

I finished writing and looked outside.

The dark started inhaling the world.

The stars started shining on the sky.

I took a quick shower and went to the bed.

I couldn't sleep but I didn't mind.

I kept smiling on the thought that Tishi is safe and happy with Saeyoung.

That was until I heard a knock on my door.

A/n: This is shorter chapter because I don't really have time during holiday so I won't update that often. I am sorry my four readers XD

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