True ending: The Truth Hurts

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I am not letting this ending get deleted again! Never! I gotta save it somewhere. Well...I hope it's better this time.

I heard Saeyoung on the other side of the phone. He was breathing heavily and he sounded hurt. Something was obviously wrong when I heard chaotic laugther and Saeyoung was cut off by this obvious hit in the head. I heard his skull crack open as I ran with tears in my eyes.

I had to stop whoever was there.

As I opened the door, I saw sight I never knew I would see.

There she stood, glitching. Her hair was one big mess and her clothes were messy. There was blood on her shirt and hoodie and a bloody metal baseball bat in her hand.

Her back was turned to me but I could see her face a little. The smile on her face is something I will never forget. Her eyes were glitching grey. Not the friendly hazel green I knew. Grey. I could not stop screaming. All my in game friends were dead on the floor in puddles of blood with their skulls crack open.

I felt myself drowning in tears. It was horrible.

She turned around. I felt myself freeze on the place. She came up to me.

"What a sight, right?" She took my chin into her hand making me look at her. I wanted to resist but I couldn't bring myself to do so.

"What? Don't you like it? This is not all my dear" she sang as she got closer with her face to mine. I held my breath.

"Humans are not worth living"

"They were not even real!" I shouted at her but got a strong slap from her.

"They may be not but they are their creations!" She shouted as she prepared her bat for strike. I could not wait for my end like that and kicked her, running as fast as I could.

I didn't run for too long. The wall that appeared in front of me stopped my tries and I was stuck.

"You think you can stop me?!" I heard her hysterical laughter. I turned around and saw her running to me.

I felt numb pain through my body as the bat touched my head.

I screamed in pain.

Another hit and my vision was floded with blood. I could not see anything.

The last hit. I felt my skull open and my hearing started failing me. Everything felt so distant as I fell "asleep"

I opened my eyes to the same hysterical laugh. I saw her. She was hitting the machine that got me into this mess.

All around us, there were bodies of people I never saw before. I was in big puddles of blood from all the dead people around me.

I started screaming as I got up and tried to run.

She turned around.

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE! I AM NOT LETTING YOU RUN AWAY AND DESTROY IT ALL" She kept on shouting with weird sadness in her voice.

She was crying.

I kept on running until I eventually saw the town.

"Please! Help me!" I shouted for help. It was night so there wasn't many people. I just hoped someone would hear me.

I ran up to square where there was no one. I screamed for help again but all I heard was the laugther of the girl behind me. I turned around to see the bloody trail she was leaving behind.

"COME HERE! SO I CAN BE DONE WITH YOU!" She laughed and ran up to me even faster than she ran until now.

The metal sound of the bat echoed through the empty square as she hit my legs. I could swear she broke them.

I screamed in pain as I felt to the ground quietly crying and waiting for my end.

"You know, to be honest, I kinda liked you at first" she said calmly and looked at the bloody hand she held the bat with. 

"But I need to finish what I started" she said and my vision went blank as she hit me with the bat.

I woke up in the hospital. I found out that after she hit me, she got apprehended  and I was taken to the hospital.

Days passed and I got freed from the hospital and went home. Since then, my relationships got much better because when I went missing, everyone was really worried so when I got back and hurt, people started taking care of me.

I was sitting on the couch in my living room, watching the news. Something caught my attention.

"After a massive genocide murder, a young woman, who was responssible for it, was put into mental hospital. Today, he cell was found empty with bloody messages inside. The blood was comfirmed to he hers" the woman in the TV stood there in front of this cell in the hospital with those messages and police officers all around the place.

I was scared. I could read the messages and I knew they were for me.

I will find you.

And kill you.

You destroyed all my work.

All progress I made was destroyed because of you.

Time to go.

I could not believe what I was seeing. How did she get out? Why didn't they give her death sentence?! She killed so many people!

I screamed. I could not breathe and passed out.

I woke up in a hospital again. It was night. The room was dark and I was scared. I knew I had to get away from there. She could find me any time.

I took the only thing I could. I took the hospital robes in the hallway and got out as fast as I could.

I ran to the place where it all started. The forest.

After a while, I prepared the robes as a rope with a noose tied at the end. I hung it on the tree.


What a pathetic type of creature.

She was so weak. How come she never noticed?

Tishi would never get into anything big like this without a plan B.

She may have made a mistake with keeping the girl but all her plans are more prepared than the most famous heists.

It's like a cult. She has us. And now we have to get rid of the burden.

The lifeless body was there. Hanging. We knew this would happen. We wanted this to happen. She gave us Light. This is only one of many sacrifices We'll make. Just for our almighty.

The candles light up and we all wait for her to come.

Just as the sound of metal bat echoes throughtout the forest as she carries it behind her, we all bow down.

The smell of dried blood on her body and the bat dances around me.

This is the end...of our beggining.

A/n: What did I turn this into? No fucking clue but I feel like I did better this time. Heck yeah! This is the end guys! There is no second book or anything. Danger can be there where you expect it least guys and not everything can have a happy ending. That was the point of this book Anyway. Thank you for reading and you can leave some questions or something you are wondering about. Thank you for being there with me this whole time.

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