Velvet Scarlatina x Shadow Moon

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A/N: I don't own the picture/videos in this book/story. I know you're gonna get tired of reading that, but I'm not up to hear someone bite my head off.

Hope you enjoy this story of Velvet and my OC.

Velvet's POV:

I have always hated going into the lunchroom. Team CRDL would always catch me before I could get to my team's table and bully me for being a faunus. They pulled on my ears and would throw me to the floor and kick or hit me after they've gotten through with verbally harassing me. The only other place I hate besides the lunchroom is the dorm halls. When I'm alone walking to my dorm, I don't know how, but Cardin and his goons seem to find me no matter what and end up beating me worse then in the canteen. And of course today was no different.

Today is Friday. Classes are over for today and I was hoping to go take a shower before going to relax in my room. When I heard that menacingly, horrible laugh coming around the corner, "Well,well, well, look at what I caught...a little bunny." My blood went cold instantly when I heard his voice right behind me, "Pl-Please C-Cardin, It's Friday...C-Can't you j-just leave me a-alone?" I stuttered out as I felt him close in on me with the rest of his team. I could feel the annoyance and anger coming from Cardin's tense and slightly shaking body. "What the hell did you just say to me, you faunus trash?" I flinched as he shouted at me, then I felt one of his teammates punch me in the stomach, hard. I whimpered as I hit the floor, my ear twitched as I heard faint music coming closer to where we were.

Shadow's POV:

It's finally Friday, and I'm going to go shower. I'm in a black sports bra and jeans with a change of clothes, with a towel in my right hand while my left hand went to my head to adjust the volume on my waterproof headphones. I walk down the quiet halls as I here slight whimpering then laughter with my faunus ears, "Why can't CRDL take weekends off?" I asked myself out loud while rolling my eyes. I knew it was them cause they honestly were the only bullies in this whole ass academy and it honestly pissed me off. 'Wonder who the poor sap is this time,' I thought to myself as I rounded the corner then growled to myself as I saw CRDL beating up on poor Velvet. Ok so I had feelings for her, for a while now, and I hated watching her get picked on and beat up on by those assholes. I decided to do something about it, "Look what I found here, a team full of dickheads picking on a cute little bunny~," I smirk with my left hand on my cocked hip. I noticed the cute blush on Velvet's face while she noticably stared at my toned abdomen. "Stay out of this Moon!" Cardin yelled as he yanked Velvet up by the ears, "Now why would I want to do that? She is my girlfriend after all," I spoke nonchalantly as everyone stiffened while Velvet blushed madly. "Now, unless you want to die a slow and horrible death, I suggest you all leave my girlfriend alone, understand?" I growled as team CRDL ran off, tripping over each other, while I made my way over to a blushing Velvet. "Hey, you okay Velv?" I ask while helping her up, but she trips a bit and lands into my chest making it so I'm holding her in my arms. I could feel her face heat up against the skin on my chest.

"Ye-yeah, I'm fine Shadow, but di-did you mean it?" she stuttered out, but never let go of my waist, "Mean what bun bun?" I questioned, even though I already knew what she meant. I felt her shiver at the little nickname I gave her, and then she spoke, "About me being your it true?" I smiled at the nervousness in her voice as I bent down and kissed her lips with passion and love, "Only if you want to be my girlfriend." I said already knowing she liked me and was going to say yes, but I could never had expected that she would slam me into the wall and kiss me desperately. The kiss shocked me but I kissed back a few seconds after. When we pulled away for air she spoke finally, "Yes, Yes I'll be your girlfriend, I've been waiting for you to ask me forever," I chuckled softly and picked her up after putting our stuff over my shoulder, she happily wrapped her legs around my waist as we walked off to the shower. "Let's go shower then go out tonight, how's that sound bun bun?" I smiled as we made our way inside the showers and got ready to take one, "I'd love that, almost as much as I love you Shadow," I smiled and kissed her lips again as I held her body close under the hot water. "I love you too Velv," we spent the rest of the night out in Vale, and i can't wait to go out with her again.

The End.

A/N: I'm sorry it's short but I had writer's block and I'm surprised I got this done. Hope you liked it, I'll probably make more stories with Velvet to make up for it.

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