Chapter 19

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I stumbled slightly into the hotel room at around 1:30am. Trying my absolute hardest to be quiet as Sabrina slept peacefully in the bed.

I changed out of my clothes into sweatpants, getting ready for bed before climbing into the plush sheets, the bed left cold from where she hadn't laid. My eyes trailed down to a note left on my bedside table "fuck" I mumbled

Of course the one day I pick to go out is the day the song finished. That's just my typical bad timing. I put the earphones in, pressing play as the music started, listening intently through the whole song

It was a duet, she had me on the song. We recorded my part a week or so ago, I had forgotten all about it until now. Does that mean the songs about me? She never showed me the rest of the words..

I wait until it finished before putting the phone back down on the table beside me. Turning to look at her sleeping silhouette again. She's so beautiful. I couldn't help but feel a slight amount of guilt rising within me, her first song finished today and I wasn't here for her?

But surely she would've said something when I asked her what she wanted in the dressing room? Right? I brush it off, trying my best to bury the feeling and close my eyes as I laid my head on the pillow,

Waking up the next morning to the small girl beside me stirring in her sleep as the light shone in. She yawned tiredly, sitting up from the bed and combing her hair with her fingers "good morning.." I mumbled from behind her causing her to jump slightly

"Morning.." she replied back, her body not turning to look at me. I sighed, "I listened to the song, I was right, it's amazing..everyone will love it" I reply. She scoffed slightly, "thanks" she mumbled

"I wonder if Vanessa will love it too" she added under her breath. I sighed again, "Sabrina.." I trailed off. She stood up from the bed, her head whipping around to look at me "we're you gonna tell me you had been looking for people to replace me? Was that your plan? To get me to sign the record label so that I'd leave the tour?" She blew up

"What are you talking about, Sabrina? Why would I try to get you to leave, I'm the one who tried so hard to convince you to come in the first place!" I responded in the same tone as her

"I thought it would be nice for you, to not feel the pressure from me that you have to be at every show, that maybe some nights you might want a break to write or have time to yourself" I add

"And you brought her in? Did you see the way she was looking at me? The whole pursing her lips thinking she's top shit act" she stated frustratedly

"Why do you care, Sabrina? Why are you letting how she acts or what she does effect you? She's just a dancer! You're just a dancer!" I respond, instantly regretting the last part

She sucked in a shaky breath, her lips parting slightly "Right..Just a dancer" she mumbled, stepping into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

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