Chapter 30

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I watch as Sabrina leaves through the hotel doors with her manager. Where's she going? We have to leave soon? I pat my pocket, an empty feeling there

"Shit..I left my phone upstairs charging" I mumble, turning back to the elevator "I'll come with you!" Vanessa perked up from behind me. I stopped her "it's okay. I can go by myself" I reply, the elevator doors closing before she could protest

I didn't spend the night with her, she came up behind me as I was waiting for the elevator to come down. How could I spend the night with her? I spent the night alone..for the first time in a month and a half, all for a kiss

I get back to my room, scanning the keycard in the door and heading round to the side of the bed where I had left my phone charging. I pick it up, notification after notification coming through "#PeytonMeyer is it true?" My heart dropped at the tweet, do people know Vanessa and I kissed?

I furrow my eyebrows, unlocking my phone to see what the fuss was about. A post from Sabrina 2 minutes ago,

❤️ - 55,779 💬 - 2,893

"Hey guys! I was blown away by how much kindness you guys have given me since not attending the show last night! Unfortunately, as all good things must come to an end, I will no longer be a part of the Up All Night tour. My team and I have decided it would be best to head back to LA, working on my own projects and music, meaning I will be missing the Europe leg of the tour. I will and am forever grateful for the opportunities the UAN tour has given me and I could never thank them enough. I owe a lot to Peyton, he convinced me that I was good enough to have a music career of my own and I hold our moments together very closely in my heart, And for that, I thank him dearly. However, behind closed doors, you guys don't get to see everything that goes on..I hope to one day share with you my struggles with mental health and love, I aim to do that through my upcoming music which is releasing very sooon! Lots of love always, SC x

Needy - 6/5
Almost love - 12/5"

I throw my phone down to the bed annoyed, my hands covering my face, rubbing my forehead. I pick up my phone again, slamming the hotel room door and jogging back to the elevator, tapping my foot impatiently as it travelled down to the hotel foyer

The doors opened again, my eyes scanning to room until they landed on Amir across from me. He looked at me, his body visibly sighing. He nodded for me to come over to him "you knew" I hissed as I reached him

"Don't cause a scene Peyton, her post raised suspicion, just keep your cool until we get to the car" he muttered under his breath, ushering me over to the door

I rolled my eyes, exiting the hotel toward the car "Peyton! Do you have anything to say on Sabrinas exit from the tour!" I hear someone call. I ignore them, climbing into the car and waiting for Amir to get in there too

I put up the privacy screen between us and the driver, blocking him out from our conversation "you knew she was leaving! You didn't think to tell me!" I rage at him annoyed

He sighed softly " was her choice, not ours" he replied "she didn't want you to know, she asked multiple time's for no one but her team and I to know until she had left" he added

I rolled my eyes "since when do you listen to what people want" I spat "since we can't afford for her to tell everyone what you did! Her manager was messaging me last night saying Sabrina was repeating over and over that she just wanted to go home, that she wanted to see her friends, that she wanted to go back to her apartment. It wouldn't be healthy for her to stay and finish the tour if she wasn't happy and if she was refusing to talk to you!" He explained quickly

"I haven't even had the chance to explain to her what happened! She doesn't know any of the story!" I protest. He sighed again, this time softening his voice "I know Peyton. I know it's not fair and I know how badly you want to talk to her, just put yourself in her shoes right now. Let her have time, she may even come back.." he looked to my sympathetically.

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