Chapter 29

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I woke up the next morning, a sick feeling churning in my stomach after only a few seconds of being awake. I sat up instantly, I can leave.

Ceci turned around in her bed tiredly "how you doing?" She asked. I shrugged, my face feeling as swollen as a balloon "I'm feeling like I need to get the hell out of here" I reply

She smiled sympathetically, sitting up from her place on the bed. "Well go and shower, get ready, the plane leaves in just under two hours" she stated. I nodded, climbing out of bed and entering the bathroom, shutting the door behind me

I turn the water to cold, hoping it will help de puff my tear stained face. I step out of the shower again, taking a look in the mirror to see that it did absolutely nothing

I sigh, exiting the bathroom while Ceci went in, swapping places. I changed in the room, packing my suitcase and waiting for her to finish getting ready. When she did, she got the bags collected, walking with me down to the hotel foyer

Amir stood around the empty room with a few of the crew members, my presence catching his attention. He came over to me, hugging me quickly "I'm sorry about all this, We all wish you would stay, including Peyton" he said

I furrowed my eyebrows "I thought we agreed not to tell him?" I asked Ceci. "He doesn't know, we just all know he would want you to stay" Amir corrected himself

I shrugged my shoulders, "I just really need to be around my friends" I reply. He nodded understandably,"Miss, your car is ready" someone approached us with a smile. I nodded to him "thank you" I mumbled, giving Amir one last hug

"Thank you for letting me come this far, it was a great experience" I thank him "always here for you" he smiled. I gave Ceci a look saying I was ready, her placing her hand on my back and guiding me out the hotel foyer

I turn back slightly, taking one last look at the crew. I see Peyton emerge from the elevator behind them, Vanessa behind him. He gives me a concerned look, sadness, anger, guilt, all flashing over his face

I put my sunglasses on, turning back around in front of me and keeping my head down as we get to the car, "Sabrina! Sabrina! How are you feeling! Sabrina!" Paparazzi called

I ignored them, shoving my hands into my hoodie pockets until I climbed inside the car. The door shut behind Ceci, The driver soon pulling out of the hotels entrance and down the street toward the hotel

"Did I do the right thing..? Not telling him..?" I ask her. Ceci pursed her lips, "if I was you, I sure as hell wouldn't have told him. I think you did the right thing, you have a whole team, your friends and nearly 70 million people who will back you..including his team" she replied softly

I nodded, my eyes drifting out to the window. I just want to go home.

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