Chapter 25

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By the time the plane had landed, Peyton and I managed to write most of the song, only the last few lines left to go.

We were at the arena, they were doing sound check while I was entertaining myself by scrolling through Instagram in the dressing room.

A knock at the door caught my attention, "come in!" I say sweetly. The door opens, a girl with almost black hair comes into the room, "Sabrina! I'm ceci!" She introduces herself

My eyes widened, standing up from the couch and giving her a hug "it's so nice to meet you!" I reply. She smiles, sitting down across from me, "I thought I'd come see how the tour is going for you" she spoke up

I shrugged, "it's been good for the most part, we had a little disagreement the other day but apart from that it's been really cool performing" I reply. She furrowed her eyebrows, "disagreement about what?" She asked

"Oh they hired another girl to 'fill in' for me if I didn't want to perform..I guess there isn't really a problem with it but they didn't tell me about it until she was here and she's rude as to me, she calls me Serena and pretends to forget my name" I giggle the last part

Ceci rolled her eyes "she sounds..dreadful.." she laughed. I nodded in agreement, "I have listened over needy and almost love, they sound great" she smiled. "It was so fun! It's the first time I've recorded without Peyton there it was such a cool experience" I go on about it

"Well you're really flying through the songwriting" she chuckled. I nodded, "I used to love writing songs comes sorta easy to me..I'm almost finishing another song that Peyton helped me write on the way here" I smile

"If you keep it up we may be able to get you on your own tour next year" Ceci replied. My eyes widened, "a whole tour? I'm not that popular" I laugh awkwardly. "Oh but you are, your one of the biggest rising stars internationally, Sabrina" she replied

I sucked in a breath, I didn't realise they liked me that much.. "well soundcheck is over? Wanna go look around?" I change the subject. She nods, standing up with me. she looks around 25 which I think is cool, having a manager who can also be like your friend.

We walk around the backstage area, laughing with each other as we make jokes and bond "have you met Peyton?" I asked her. She shook her head, "No when I got here I met his manager but then came straight to you" she replied

I nodded, taking her wrist gently pulling her over toward the direction of Peyton's dressing room, "come on, you'll love him" I smile, my eyes on the door in front of us.

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