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Chapter 10

I open the Prince's wardrobe, hanging his shirts back up. Arthur is sitting at his desk, moping over some paperwork. I have calmed down since yesterday, my emotions went from a tidal wave to a small puddle and all I want to do is talk to Merlin again. We had not even crossed paths; I think he is avoiding me.

I hear the sound of paper being slammed against the desk. I look over at the Prince curiously as he stands up and walks around his desk and leans back against it.

"What ever is the matter, Elena?" he asks exasperatedly. "You look like someone just murdered your dog."

"It's nothing, Sire," I assure, closing the door to the wardrobe. "Is there anything else that you need from me?"

"What I need is for you to tell me what's gotten into you," he presses. Our eyes lock to create a staring match – wearing the other person down. But Arthur has a lot more determination than me to keep his face still. My shoulders drop and my eyes turn to the floor. "You can trust me, Elena."

"It's stupid," I mutter. "I just had a fight with somebody." Arthur nods slowly in thought and walks closer.

"Was it with Leon?"

"No, Sire. Merlin," I answer. Arthur's brows raise in subtle surprise, obviously not expecting my answer.

"Merlin? What has he done?"

"Nothing. Not really. He just asked me for a favour and I couldn't do it," I reply.

It wasn't stupid though; it was my life we were arguing about. As I look at Arthur it hits me what Merlin was asking. He wasn't asking to control my life, he was asking for help in protecting this boy in front of me, the Once and Future King. Merlin would never put my life on the line for trivial things. And that stupid warlock risked his own neck everyday so why couldn't I do the same. This is the moment Gwaine told me about, when the crossroad arrives, you can choose whether to be selfish or not and I need to choose right.

"I would think you have a good reason for-" he begins but I cut him off with a hug, wrapping my hands around his stomach. He grunts at the force but holds his own and barely stumbles. His hands float in the air for a moment but slowly float down to my back, patting it awkwardly.

"Thank you," I mumble. He's helped me realise but probably not in the way he was intending or had the chance to.

"Um... You're welcome," he falters eyeing me oddly.

I beam at him patting his chest and exit his chambers as he is still standing where I left him, arms raised and eyes squinting. A new goal in mind.

The rest of the day is spent half doing my duties, half searching for Merlin who seems to have disappeared out of nowhere. I do, however, bump into Leon and Castor as they patrol around together.

"Elena, just the woman we were hoping to bump into," Castor greets with a grin. I smirk, popping my hip out.

"That's because I'm the only woman who can stand you," I snigger. Castor's face drops flat, sucking his lips.

"I could insult you right now," he glares, pointing his finger at me. "But I'm afraid Leon would hit me if I said it and I'm more afraid of him than you."

Leon smirks and I let out a bellow of laughter, shaking my head to the sky.

"Go on, say it. I want to see how it goes down," I taunt stepping closer with my hands propped against my hips. Castor glances to Leon who drops his face into one of seriousness and his hand drops to his sword as though egging him on. My heart flutters at the gesture of protection, even if it is just playful. Castor scrunches his lips to his nose shaking his head furiously.

Lost in Albion 2 (Merlin ) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now