starting ideas for a youtube channel

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name: it needs to be original but simple. don't have a name like 'charlie127348590' because no one will remember it. short and rememberable are the best!

camera : this doesn't need to be top of the range but a better one is better because of the focus. if you're just starting, using your phone is ok but later on get a proper camera.

content: come up with something you enjoy! whether it be fashion or DIY or how-to's, make them original. sometimes, put up Q&As or tags. don't make your videos boring or too long. when your friends are around, do collabs with them!

time&date: decide a date that you will upload and always do it on that date. post at least once a week to keep your viewers loyal.

setting: make sure there is enough light where your posting and not a lot of sound. if your doing it in your room, make sure it's not messy

you: make sure your hair is nice, unless you're doing hairstyles, and that you clothes are not sloppy. make sure that it's not taking over your days or life! but most of all, enjoy it! if it's making you stressed out, stop.

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